Chapter 5 Supreme Trouble

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The door knocked again fiercely, I grabbed my bow and an arrow. The door fell to the ground with an almighty crash and two men stepped forward. I loaded my bow and pulled back ready to fire. I was standing between Jane and them, protecting her for my own cause.

The first man came in, he was well dressed with a long red coat, well polished brown boot and a golden hammer with red ruby’s attached to his belt. A man of class, a man of stature. He had stiffed eyebrows and aggressive edge to his eyes and curly ginger hair. He did not back down my bow.  His voice low and quaky shook my bones.

“Put your bow down, we are here for Gale,” he said

I replied in anger “Gale? And who are you may I ask, it’s rude not to break into someone’s house and not introduce yourself”

He laughed, “Wise guy eh? I am of the Supreme Team, the world protectors and I am the leader Pyro Flame and Gale is that lady behind”

“Oh so that’s what with the red coat and ginger hair…oh wait you were born ginger…Jane?”

“Don’t make you hurt you…and yes whatever she calls herself now so move you little bastard”

“It’s James…James Leeonidus”

“James Leeonidus put the bow down and get out of my way…now!” he exclaimed

Jane touched my shoulder “James do as they say darling, they will kill you”

I replied “finally something worth dying for then”

The other man stepped forward. He was short and skinny with short blonde hair and long thin like scar down the right side of his face probably cause from the blade of a sword. He was dressed in a blue robe “James, I’m Fade Away, another member of the Supreme Team” and I don’t mean you any harm but if you continue to reject our requests we will have to kill you, just let her go, she needs to be in our team”

“Come on you little worm give her over” the ginger man said and with that instance I fired my bow, the arrow heading straight for his head but in that moment he raised his hand and a beam of fire disintegrated my arrow into pure ash on the floor.  I stood amazed but quickly grabbed another arrow reloading my bow; his trick wouldn’t work if he got much closer. Was he a god? I did not know but I was in charge of my own destiny

He laughed “give it up my man is she really that worth it”

I said “I’d break every bone in my body for her” but in that instance I felt somebody grab me by the neck it was the little man but how did he get behind me? I battled out of it but then Pyro Flame hit me in the head with his hammer knocking me out cold. The last thing I saw was my beautiful Jane’s horrified eye’s as o fell unconscious to the ground with the sounds of her screaming as they forced her away with them. I was helpless to defend her. How come I can fight the battles of other but not myself? I have yet let myself down and in doing so seen my future baby and wife take away from me.

I woke up in excruciating pain, my eyes stinging, and my body burning what had happened after I went out? All I could hear was “James? James? James answer me”

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