"Also, fair warning, most the people that attend these events are rich snobs so don't get too offended if these people... say some unsavoury things to you. We'll try to introduce you to some of the people you'll actually want to talk to," Dick adds, Eliza's heart swells. She's never felt so cared for, so comforted in her life. Just being with these people make her calm as she realizes she's never been so thankful.

The city lights flash as they enter the depths of Gotham. Soft music from one of the radio stations plays from the stereo. It's cloudy and the air has a damp smell, almost as if it's going to rain tonight. They pull up to the venue quite quickly and Eliza almost doesn't want to leave the calm atmosphere of the car ride. The cameras immediately begin flashing as Dick steps out of the car. The Wayne charity events are always some of the largest parties in Gotham and there's always a flock of celebrities  and rich alike, a trail of paparazzi in their wake.

Damian gets out, before turning and offering a hand to Eliza. The cameras flash as the two walk up the front steps of the venue. Arm in arm as Eliza shoots a shy smile to the cameras, the paparazzi scream questions in all directions. It feels like a blur and Eliza hates it. She feels as if she's endured the flashing lights and loud voices for hours by the time she's reached the front doors. Feeling slightly drained as they enter the venue, trailing behind Dick as Eliza takes one the scene of it all. The smell of expensive alcohol radiates from the room as people laugh and eat and dance around the large ballroom to the sound of the band echoing through the walls.

Eliza has been to many of these before, most with the air of a mission to be done for her father with a target and plan in her head. This place gave her an air of happiness and drunken joy. Her eyes shine at the scene, taking it all in as Damian guides her across the room towards Bruce who's surrounded by a group a well dressed buissness men and women.

He looks so much like Damian. The man's black hair sleeked back and a crisp dark suit on. He smiles kindly to me and Damian as we approach and Eliza can't help notice that even though he and Damian both have dazzling white teeth, Damian's smile is more of a smirk. While, Bruce's is kind, though it doesn't quite reach the corners of his eyes.

"You look beautiful, Eliza," Bruce says taking in the girls appearance.

"You look dashing yourself, Bruce," she says, returning his smile. The man turns back to the importantly dressed people he was talking too and introduces the girl. Many smile kindly and shake her hand, a few of the men leaning down to brush soft kisses over her knuckles as they introduce themselves. Few of the names she notices and many she knows she won't bother to remember as the group falls back into their idle conversation about business.

As the time passes Eliza grows increasingly more bored. The men and women around her having since finished their third (or fourth) flutes of Champaign as some become quite flush and teeter slightly as they stand. They're discussing politics now. Debating on who the new mayor of Gotham will be come this year and if they'll ever actually accomplish anything amongst the dark city streets.

A few others come by and introduce themselves to Eliza. It's a lot of hand shaking and false smiles. One of only things making it all bearable is Damian. He stays close by her, his hand leaving a feather light touch on the small of her back, though the girl feels him fidget slightly as if even he is becoming bored of the yammering.

Eliza glances around the room, eyes turning wistfully towards the dance floor. Couples move elegantly, entranced by one another as they hold each other closely. Their bodies moving as one as they glide softly across the floor, smiles on most faces and the girl wonders if she will ever be able to mirror their love.

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