"Uh... sure, I guess," she handed him the hat and glasses. Jason handed her the glasses she had been wearing. Piper put them on, trying to act normal. She looked out the window, glancing back at Jason. Wearing this get up, this Jason character looked a little bit like when that one Roger Steve guy from that superhero movie.

The man who had come onto the bus was now making his way to the back. He looked at everyone intently, as if studying him or her for clues.

Piper looked at Jason. He was slouched down a little, his hands stuffed in his pockets. Even though the hat was pulled over his eyes, she could still see where he was looking. He was looking at the man.

The man walked by them, taking a seat in the very back -- the seat that was five rows back.

Once the bus started to move again, Piper started to speak in a low voice. "What was that about?"

Jason glanced over to Piper. She had her head turned to the window, not looking at him. He let out a nervous chuckle, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Um, would you believe that he's my bodyguard?"

Piper looked at him, forgetting that the man was watching them. Her eyes widened in shock.

"Why do you have a bodyguard?" she whispered, shocked.

Apparently she had somehow gotten someone else's attention. The person looked up from their gossip magazine, looking over at Piper. She gasped, closing her magazine and examining the cover, then looking back at Piper.

"You're Piper McLean," the girl stated. It was loud enough for nearly everyone on the bus to hear. "You're Tristan McLean's daughter."

"What? Me? No," Piper tried to make up excuses, but she could tell it wasn't working.

As if the fates were in her favor, the bus stopped. Luckily, this was her stop.

"Op, look at where we are. Time for our date, honey."

She grabbed Jason's arm, hauling him out of the seat. He was a little confused, but wanted to get off the bus just as much as Piper. In the process of sanding up, the hat fell off. The man in the back, Jason's bodyguard, was following behind them

"Run," she told Jason. He nodded, taking off.

They ran off the bus, looking around for a get away. They turned left, running down the sidewalk. Jason looked over his shoulder, seeing his bodyguard pushing people out of the way. He grabbed Piper's hand, pulling her in a different direction. They sprinted down an alley way towards a row of dumpsters and a low wall. The duo vault on top the dumpsters and over the wall. Continuing their sprint. As they round a corner running out of the alley, a large recycling truck blazes by and rips Piper's old hat from Jason's head.

"Sorry," he apologized. "But I need to outrun Dakota, or else I'm dead."

"Gotcha," she panted, not used to all this physical activity.

Jason noticed and started to slow down, pulling her into a small cafe. They took a seat at table. Piper sat down, catching her breath while Jason read the menu by the counter.

"Is there anything you want?" he asked.

"Water, please."

He nodded, walking to the counter. When he was away buying their drinks, Piper checked her phone. She had one missed call from her dad, and a text from Leo. She listened to the voicemail first. It was her dad telling her that he wouldn't be home till later that night, and Leo's text was saying that he'd be coming over around six. It was only one-thirty at the moment. She sent Leo a quick reply as Jason sat back down.

Disguises ~A Jiper AU fan fic~Where stories live. Discover now