Chapter 9 - I like you

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Hi my boos! Here's a chapter! Hope y'all like it

Tristan and Miles were laying on Tristan's bed, watching VPD on Netflix.
"Oh come on, Elena! Don't go for Damon!" Tristan exclaimed. "He's clearly using you to get leverage with Nicklaus!"
"Ugh, Stefan Salvatore, you are fine." Tristan said biting his lower lip. Miles scoffed.
"Oh he's not that great. I mean he's gonna kill Elena when he gets the chance. Damon is babe, actually," Miles replied. Tristan chuckled.
"I thought I was babe?"
Miles stared at the iPad for a moment and then at his boyfriend.
"So..." he said awkwardly.
"So," Tristan replied. "Let's talk about...Cam's post,"
"Yeah, let's talk about it. So like...what do you wanna know?" Miles asked as he stood up.
"I wanna know it felt. Like I've never done that before so..."Tristan's voice trailed off. Miles stood there for a second, thinking of what to say.
"It felt...good. Kinda feels like sex," Miles said as he sat down near Tristan. Tristan smiled.
"And I've never...had sex before," he said, narrowing his eyes to the ground. Miles nodded.
"As expected. I've had sex lots of times," Miles said. Tristan looked at Miles and shook his head.
"Wait...what do you mean as expected?" He sounded hurt.
"No, I didn't mean it in a bad way, Tris. I meant like..."
"-like I was too fat and ugly to even have sex? Sounds rich coming from a man whore," Tristan told him coldly. Miles stared at him and shook his head.
"What did you call me?"
"Look, I didn't mean it that way okay. I think you-"
"I think you should go," Tristan told him, crossing his arms. Miles stared at him, confused. That's not what I meant. He thought to himself.
"Tristan...please I didn't mean it the way you think I meant it..." Miles tried to defend himself but Tristan's eyes was on the iPad. He was a basically tuning out his boyfriend. Miles sighed heavily and kissed his boyfriend on his forehead.
"I'll see you later then,"
"I'm sorry," he said as he made his way to the door. Tristan laid back down and sighed heavily.

Tristan entered class. He narrowed his eyes to the ground. His best friend Zoë sat beside him and smiled.
"What's wrong pouty?" She asked.
Tristan sighed.
"Miles and I got into a fight last night." He replied. "We were just watching some VPD. Then we started talking about Cam's post and one thing led to another."
"Wow you guys have been going out for only a few weeks and you already have problems. Geez, you two are like a teen drama series," Zoë told him. Mr. Monroe entered the room and stared at all his students.
"Okay everyone so open your books to chapter 2."
Tristan scooted to Zoë and began to whisper.
"He's such a dick, Zoë. I mean just because he's had sex and I haven't doesn't mean he gets to act like that,"
"I mean, I'm saving this for that special someone," Tristan told her. Zoë rolled her eyes.
"Don't you think you're overreacting just a tad bit? I mean, just tell him you're a virgin," Zoë said out loud which caused the teacher and the rest of the class stare at them. Tristan sinked into his chair and covered his face with his folder.

"Tristan," Owen called to his brother who was eating lunch by himself. Tristan rolled his eyes.
"What do you want, Owen?" He asked. "Don't worry. I won't tell mom you had a girl over last night," Owen stared at his brother.
" heard me and Veronica? What exactly did you hear?" He asked.
"Okay...anyways not what I wanted to talk to you about." Tristan didn't say anything.
"Listen bud, I saw Cam's post about... Miles. Did you know that most pregnancies can occur from anal sex?" Owen explained. Tristan's expression changed real quick. He stared at his brother wide eyed and shook his head.
"...what the fuck? I am not having this conversation with you!" He replied annoyed.
"Tristan, I'm serious. Okay and Miles wanna have sex, then that's totally up to you." Owen whispered. "There's nothing wrong with doing it. It's in our nature. I just want you to know that if you do do it, there's lots to think about. STDs, pregnancy..."
Tristan glared at his brother. He was talking crazy now.
"Um...pregnancy? What world are you living in? It may be the 21st century but us guys haven't exactly been able to reproduce," Tristan said sourly. "And even if I were to reproduce, it's not like I'm keeping the baby. I've got my whole life ahead me."
"Yeah yeah. People always say that. Then when it happens, you and Miles are at Ashley's furniture picking out nursery stuff." Owen told his brother. Tristan didn't exactly wanna have this conversation with his brother but he always thought of him and Miles having sex. He always pictured how it would be and feel.
"If Miles and I have sex, it's none of your business," Tristan told Owen. Owen shook his head and nodded.
"Alright brother. See you at home,"
Tristan stared at his brother as he left caf.

"Hey," Miles said to Zoë as she was putting things in her locker. Zoë nodded and continued to do what she was doing.
"What's up with the cold shoulder?" Miles asked. "Ever since Tristan and I started dating you've been acting like such a grade A-" Miles didn't continue his sentence when Zoë glared a him.
"Look Zoë I need to talk to you about something," Miles rested his hand against the locker. Zoë sighed.
"Yeah? What's up?"
"You have Tristan so why would you need me?" Zoë replied coldly.
"What? How can you say that, Zo. You know you mean a lot to me," Miles told her. "What I have with Tristan isn't going to change the fact that you're still my best friend, okay?" Miles said, taking Zoë's hand. Zoë took a deep breath and nodded.
"Anyways, I gotta go but I'll text you okay?" Miles hugged and walked off. Zoë watched her best friend walk towards the other direction.
"Best friends,"
"I like you, Miles. I think I like you."

Omg!!!! Is Zoë gonna mess up Triles?well I hope not!😩😩❤️

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