Chapter 2 - Screw you

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Hi loves! So I hope you're liking the story so far!!! This chapter we will be seeing something from Miles and Zoë! Haha! Enjoy :) ❤️

Miles pushed the gymnasium doors open and search for Cam. Tristan told Miles and Zoë everything. Miles was beyond angry. No one was going to to hurt his best friend and get away with it. Cam was sitting with Maya and their friends. Miles rushed towards them.
"Cam, I need to talk to you," Miles said angrily. Cam eyed Maya and laughed.
"Look dude whatever you're selling, we ain't buying so why don't you just get out of my face, alright," Cam told Miles. Miles pushed Cam towards the gym walls.
"You think you're tough? Huh? I know what you said to Tristan and there's honestly nothing stopping me from kicking your ass right about now," Cam laughed.
"What is he to you? Your boyfriend?" He teased. Miles was angry. He pushed Cam against the wall and was about to punch him.
"Hey!" Someone yelled out. It was Owen. He walked towards the two boys and dropped the basketball on the ground.
"Saunders, send your fan club out of the gymnasium and dress down, we have a basketball practice to run." He ordered Cam. Cam nodded and gestured his friends towards the gym exit.
"And Hollingsworth," Owen finally said. Miles rolled his eyes.
"Shut up," he said angrily. Owen stepped closer to Miles.
"You need to relax, dude." He said. "I don't know what's up your butt today but save that attitude for the games," Miles glared at him. He still didn't get why Miles was upset.
"What kind of brother are you? I know what happened in the bathroom with Tristan. He told me and Zoë everything. So I'm going to ask agin,
What kind of brother are you?" Owen narrowed his eyes to the ground and sighed.
"Look I know I messed up but if Tristan understood why I did it, he wouldn't be so upset. It took me a long time to get where I am now. To have those kind of friends." Owen tried to defend himself but Miles shook his head, disappointed.
"Let me ask you this, what matters more to you? Being popular or being there for your brother?" Miles replied coldly. "You know what? I quit." He stormed out of the gym.
"We're down one guy and our first game is tomorrow. What are we going to do," Cam asked the captain of the basketball team (Owen). Owen stared at the ground.
"Don't worry He's replaceable,"

Zoë and Miles sat down together for lunch.
"And then I told him, I quit. Like screw you jackass," Miles said proudly. Zoë laughed.
"Way to go, dude. Can I ask you something?" Zoë said nervously. Miles nodded and raised an eyebrow.
"Do you like me? Because come on Zoë I see you looking at my butt sometimes," Miles joked. Zoë threw him a fry.
"Gross, no! I mean...I've never really asked you this before and I've always wondered. Are" She finally said out. Miles stopped chewing his food and looked down at his plate. He didn't know the answer to that question. He liked girls but he didn't know if he likes guys too.
"I...My parents wouldn't accept it. So I guess I can't," Miles decided. Zoë shook her head.
"You can't let other people define you. I mean, I'm not stupid Miles. I see the way that you look at Tristan. I know that if you're not gay, you'd have to be like...bisexual," Zoë told him. Miles sipped his drink nervously. He looked around before he went closer to Zoë and sighed.
"Okay...maybe the thought of... kissing Tristan and laying in bed near him makes me all...tingly inside or whatever," Zoë's mouth opened.
"I knew it!" She whispered. She scooted closer to Miles.
"Shhh!!" Miles said.
"You should tell him. I bet you two would make cute boyfriends. I mean less time for me but at least you two will be happy,"
Miles sighed heavily, putting his head down to the table.
"It's not easy coming out like that," he told her. Zoë scooted back and looked away. Miles then knew.
" I mean a lesbian, or? Sorry I don't know how to say it for girls,"
Zoë sighed.
"Back in 8th grade, I kissed Becky Baker by accident. And when she smiled after the kiss, I felt like...butterflies. I told Tristan and he knew that I was gay right off the bat. He always says I have perfect gaydar," Zoë copied his voice. Miles laughed.
"Yeah. Tristan can never know that I like him. It'll ruin our friendship. Besides, he probably doesn't like me that way." Miles said. "We have to do something for him because honestly he's the reason why we're even friends. I him so much. Like...what would we do without him,"
Zoë rolled her eyes.
"He's probably going to say without me in your life, you'd probably die of boredom,". The two smiled at each other and sighed.
Tristan walked over to them and sat down, only holding an apple and water.
"Is that all your going to eat?" Zoë sounded angry. "Have my fries, Tris."
Tristan shook his head politely then leaned his head on Miles' shoulder. Zoë eyed Miles.
"I'm starting my dieting plan already. So this is what I'm going to eat. Pray for me," Tristan said sadly. Miles sighed.
"That's not the right way, Tris. Just let me help you. I can get you a doctor and a trainer, if you want," Miles offered his help and Tristan shook his head.
"You two have been such great and supporting friends but I think I can manage. Can we sleep over at your house Miles? I have this amazing tv series that I just started and I can't cry alone!" Tristan asked Miles with a smile. Miles smiled back and nodded in response.
"Yeah, Zoë make sure you come too," Miles told her. Zoë laughed.
"Of course, someone's got to chaperone,"
"Anyways I gotta get to class. See you later guys," Tristan waved at his two best friends as he walked out of the cafeteria. Zoë laughed at Miles.
"Yay! Sleep over...sad for you because you can't jack off tonight," Zoë joked. Miles threw her a carrot as she walked out of the cafeteria.
Miles sat there thinking about what he and Zoë had talked about.
"I like you, Tristan." He said out in the empty cafeteria. Miles sighed before he walked out.

Cam appeared behind the serving area and an evil grin came on his face.
"I knew it! The guys are definitely going to laugh at this,"

Uh oh!!!! That can't be good. Anyways is Miles really gay? How about Zoë? How will Tristan's diet work for me? And what is Cam going to do? Tune in to find out

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