Chapter 8 - Normal

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Hi my babies!!! What did u think of the last chapter? Hahaha I know I ended it a little weird but hahaha pls don't forget to comment or VOTE! Or just read, whatever floats ur boat!!!

Zoë watched Esme from down the hall and thought to herself wow, she's so sexy. She separated herself from her thoughts when Tristan tapped her on her shoulder.
"Ooh...someone's checking someone out," he said playfully, poking her in the tummy.
"Shut up, Tris. Hey, where's Miles?" She asked. "What? We can't all hang out together as a group now?" She said coldly. Tristan stared at her.
"Chill, I'm sure he's gonna be here soon. Don't worry," he replied. Esme passed by the two and Zoë's eyes immediately bounced to her direction.
"She's so..."
"Beautiful?" Tristan completed her friends sentence. Zoë rolled her eyes and shrugged.
"I'm not gay, I'm not gay." She whispered to herself.
"Why are you whispering I'm not gay I'm not gay to yourself?" Tristan whispered back. Zoë was still in the closet. She didn't know how people would react to her being gay but she knew her mother would right away disapprove.
"Because I think I'm gay." She said. "I'm gay. I like girls. Esme, she...makes me excited everywhere..."
"Everywhere? OOOH okay so like why don't you ask her out? Then maybe we can all double," Tristan said.
"Double date? No way. It'll be way too awkward. You know her and Miles dated back in Junior high," she replied, taking out her phone.
"Yeah but Miles is gay," Tristan said. "He's gay and proud."
Zoë grinned. "Oh yeah? So when's your dinner date with mommy and daddy in law?" She said while sticking her tongue out. Tristan groaned.
"Okay okay. But...just ask Esme out. I mean, if you like her so much. Then you two can sneak away or something and keep everything on the DL," Tristan suggested. Zoë thought that it was worth a shot. She knew that she had to keep it a secret from her mom. She walked up to Esme and tapped her shoulder. Tristan was behind them, pretending to be busy on his phone.
"Hey Esme," Zoë greeted. Esme winked.
"Hi Zoë? there something you need?" She asked, stepping closer to her. Zoë froze for a second. She was nervous. Just say something. Compliment her just say something! She thought to herself.
"That shirt makes your boobs look big!" Zoë blurted out. Really??!
Esme looked down at her breasts and looked up amused.
"Why thank you, sweetie. I'm so glad you've noticed. You...must be paying attention to this quite a lot..." she replied. She leaned in to Zoë so that she could whisper something in her ear.
"I don't blame you. They are beautiful. Just...let me know if you wanna touch them sometime. I mean, I don't mind at all," she said as she giggled in her ear. Zoë turned around to watch her as she walked down the hall. She all of a sudden felt cold and Tristan noticed.
"Wow...she makes you nervous! I like seeing you like this. Makes you look like less of a bitch," he joked. Zoë flipped the bird on him and walked towards the other direction. Why can't I ask her out. She's just a girl. I'm so gonna try again.

Cam walked to his girlfriends locker with a balloon and roses. Maya looked up and smiled.
"Happy Birthday beautiful," he told her as he planted a kiss on her soft cheeks.
"Thank you." Maya replied, sniffing her roses. Cam leaned back to the locker and chuckled. Maya turned to him.
"What's funny? She asked.
"I...I walked in on that Hollingsworth kid in the bathroom yesterday and..." Cam leaned in. "I think he was gonna jack off or something."
Maya pushed Cam away suddenly feeling disgusted.
"Ew!!! Why are you even telling me this?!?" She exclaimed. A grin came across his face as he took out his phone and showed her a post. Maya read the post and her eyes widened.

So I was on my way to the bathroom and when I got there when I saw this super weird grade nine kid who had his belt in one hand and his phone on ground. I thought to myself. Wow, what's he up to. Then I realized "aw must have caught the kid off guard while he was doing a handsy," haha talk about fucking embarrassing. I'm never using that bathroom again. I wonder what hand Miles used.
Gotta remember to go near the kid,"

"Cam?!? Why did you post that?!" Maya asked. Cam sighed.
"Because the kids a freak. Obviously," he replied, shaking his head. Maya stared at her boyfriend, thinking to herself, where did she go wrong.
"Cam...this isn't you. Why are you such a bully? The Cam I knew was way better than this," Maya shook her head as she started towards the other direction. Cam grabbed her arm.
"What the hell is your problem? I'm just having a little fun!" He said, gripping onto her arm. Maya struggled to push him away.
"LET GO," she yelled, causing people to turn their attention to them. Cam glared at her. His eyes filled with anger. Maya was scared for second and then she gathered everything in her to say this.
"I'm done Cam," she said. Cam stared at her as if she was crazy.
"What do you mean your done?"
"I mean I'm done being your girlfriend. I can't be with a guy who hurts people just so he can feel like the man. I'm just so done," Maya said as she walked away leaving her ex boyfriend.

"Did you see Cam's facerange status??" Zoë asked Tristan. They sat at the cafeteria. Tristan shook his head, obviously confused. Zoë handed him her phone and read the post. He took a deep breath and turned nervously to his best friend.
"Please tell me he's not talking about Miles aka my boyfriend Miles," Zoë laughed bit her lip and nodded slowly. Tristan didn't know what to think. Zoë couldn't help but smile the whole time.
"Do you have anything to say to me right now? Because if you're just gonna sit there and smile at me the whole time then you need to get away from me," Tristan said angrily. Zoë rolled her eyes.
"Tris, it's not that bad. I mean he probably did it because he's horny for you. I've seen the way he looks at you," Tristan didn't know if Zoë was joking or not but he didn't care. He got up and grabbed his things.
"Where are you going?" Zoë asked.
"To find Miles. He's probably hiding in the bathroom. I just hope he didn't jerk off to a girl,"
"Uh...thanks for the image but not likely. He's crazy about you,"
Tristan walked out of the cafeteria and searched every bathroom in the school for Miles.
"Where are you," he asked himself. He looked towards the gym where he realized that he had forgotten to check in the boys locker room. He headed towards there and opened the bathroom door slowly.
"Miles?" Tristan called out. He waited for a reply and then hurt a low sob.
"Miles...whatever it is, you can talk to me. I'm still your best friend," Tristan told him. He heard a latch turn and Miles came out.
"There you are. You okay?" Tristan asked, reaching for Miles' hand. Miles stepped away slowly and sighed.
"What are you doing here?" He asked, avoiding Tristan's eyes.
"I'm here to see if you're okay...because I saw the post and..."
"God...I'm sorry. It' fucking embarrassing. Like...ugh, I can't talk about this with you," Miles said, heading for the door. Tristan stood in front of him and placed his hand on Miles chest.
"Don't...okay? Whatever it is, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to. Let's just go and get you something to eat," Miles stared into Tristan's eyes and a tear fell from his face.
"You don't like...think I'm weird or a you? Because it sucks."
"It sucks when people think that of me but I'd feel like the worst person ever if you thought that of me too,"
Tristan stared at Miles, wondering what he could say.
"Why did you do it though? Were you hor-"
"-yeah. I...I was,"
Tristan chuckled. "Couldn't you have done it at home? Or? With me?" Tristan asked. Miles narrowed his eyes to the ground.
"Yeah. I could've...I that moment I felt...I did it to you. I was thinking of you the whole time," he told his boyfriend, still avoiding his stare. Tristan put his fingers on his lips and a smile peaked through.
"Really? But...why? I mean couldn't waited till you got home?"
Miles looked at Tristan and shook his head.
"Just couldn't. Really needed to do it,"
Tristan bit his lower lip and sighed.
"Okay. So how about you just do that on your own time, away from school from now on. As far as I'm
concerned there's nothing wrong with doing it. It's completely natural. Why don't we talk about this tonight? You should come over," Tristan said.
"Yeah? Um okay...I'll come over then,"
Miles watched as his boyfriend walked out of the bathroom.

Omg how was it?!? Did u like it?! Should I continue? 🙉🙊🙊🙊🙊comment or vote I love you guys!!!

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