I fall asleep before the game has a chance to start. 

"Oi!" I wake with a start, my eyes bleary and thoughts foggy. The face looming toward me startles me enough that I crush my fist into it. The much taller figure falls back, staring at me in shock. I sit, wide-eyed and more than a little anxious. 

"S-Sorry!" I say quickly, scooting back. "I-I really.... I d-didn't... u-uh..." 

"Kagami-kun, the look on your face is scary." Kuroko's sudden speech startles me again, making me jump slightly. It's true that this Kagami's face is rather scary. He's very intimidating. My phone vibrates, and a text shows up. 

Oi, the match should be over. When are you leaving? I'll meet you somewhere. -Aomine

I glance between the two males as they bicker. 

Sorry. I fell asleep. It seems Seirin won. -Hai

"Kagami-kun, you should stop yelling." Kuroko turns away from the fuming boy and looks to me. "I'm surprised you came to watch us." 

"I said I'd come, didn't I? Sorry I fell asleep... I haven't been feeling well." Kuroko's eyes flash slightly. I attempt stretching before standing drowsily. "Aomine's going to get pissed if I don't get home soon." 

"Hai-chan... Did it happen again?" I stare at Kuroko sheepishly. 

"Aomine had to chase me down for a few blocks, but it turned out okay in the end." I reply. Silence engulfs the two of us, and it seems like Kagami can read the atmosphere enough not to speak. My stomach growls in unison with Kagami's. "Why don't we go to Maiji Burger?" I offer, looking between the two Seirin players. "My treat." 

"You really don't want to tr-"

"Hell yeah!" Kagami abruptly cuts off Kuroko. 

"-eat this guy." He finishes. I smile slightly, wanting to laugh but refusing to in case it's impolite. 

"It's okay. I have some extra cash burning a hole in my wallet." I reply, smiling slightly. I'm going to Maiji Burger with Kuroko and Kagami. Wanna come? -Hai

I walk out side by side with the ace and his shadow, nearly running into the team itself. I'm about to skirt around the group in order to avoid them when Aida Riko grabs my arm, startling me. I almost jump in place, but tense and freeze instead. "Hai-chan, was it? I haven't seen you since the first day of school." She says, narrowing her eyes. I offer a nervous smile.

"I had to switch schools, and transferred to another. Sorry, Aida." I reply, trying to retract my arm from her grasp. I feel like electricity is racing up my arm. 

"Oh? Where to?" She asks, loosening her grip only slightly. I gulp. 

"A-Ah, Touou Academy." I reply hesitantly. 

"And you're playing there?" I nod. "For Touou?" Another. "The boys' team?" Again. "Why did you even bother to switch?" I have many different answers running through my head, all of them incomplete and in fragmented Japanese. 

"Akashi-kun told her to." Kuroko says, coming to my rescue as always. I shy away from Aida and Kagami's inquiring glances. "It is best to do as Akashi-kun says." I want to pull another of my vanishing acts, but it seems that won't be working in my favor today. I'll just have to do something else, if I can figure out what to do in time to do it. 

"Who is Akashi?" Kagami asks bluntly. Kuroko and I wince simultaneously. 

"Former captain of the Generation of Miracles." We say in unison. A shudder rips down my spine. "Scary as hell." I add under my breath. Kuroko gives me a curious look before I pry myself free of Aida's grip. 

Shadows and LightsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora