Moments Jealously Hogsmeade And Me

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"I think so." James replied. "Right!" James called, the three players came down from the air and everybody else gathered around us. "Thanks for trying out today. The results will be posted on the Gryffindor bulletins board on the Monday after the Hogsmeade trip. Thank you." James didn't waste time, the Hogsmeade trip was tomorrow. That gave him three days. He probably wanted the team sorted out quickly so we could have more practice time before matches started.

I watched the people leave, girls whispering amongst themselves, boys talking about how they thought how they did.

"That went alright." Sirius commented.

"Could have been worse." I agreed.

"Now, I have thirty-three people to sort through. Twenty-nine of them will be disappointed."

"It could be twenty-eight." I giggled.

"Don't you dare Nellie." James said all serious. "You've got talent for being a seeker. The team needs you."

I blushed. I wasn't that great. I had missed the snitch many times. It was nice that he was being so kind to me about my skills. "Thanks."

"Plus," Sirius began, "I'm looking forward to what face you pull this time in the picture."

I glared, "The flash was bright."

You see, for the last five times we've had this picture each one has got a different face. Last year was shock because I was being blinded. The year before that was pain because some had just accidentally kicked me in the shins as the picture was being taken. The list goes on. It's just none of them having been flattering.

"Still though, the rest of the team managed to pull normal looking faces." Sirius commented.

"Your face is never normal looking." I replied, laughing a little.

"How dare you!" Sirius pouted, "It's a very nice face actually. Perfectly structured, a face of an angel, as some people describe it."

"Of course." I shook my head as I began walking back towards the castle. We'd been out for hours and it was getting rather cold now.

"Where you going?" Sirius asked, as he and James caught up with me.

"I'm cold." I responded.

"I'm not." James said.

"Me neither."

"You're all bigger than me."

"You saying we're fat?" James asked.


"What are you saying?" Sirius asked.

"You're guys. Compare our sizes."

"You are rather short." James commented, looking at me.

"5ft 5 is not short!"

"Well, you seem it."

"That's only because you're both taller than me."

"I guess." Sirius shrugged. "I still don't get-"

It was then I heard something faintly. "-Shut up." I responded quickly as I stopped, James and Sirius quickly stopped too. We were hiding behind a large statue of a gargoyle.

"Just leave me alone." Regulus voice snapped.

I couldn't see him; only hear him, as I didn't want to risk getting seen.

"No, I won't." Snape voice replied.

Regulus huffed angrily, "What do you want?"

"Why so angry?" Snape teased Regulus, "'Cause of your-"

The World, Biscuits And Sirius Black  According To Nellie O'Neill.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora