Apples, Quidditch, Pans And Me

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"You pulled Sirius Black's hair?" Izzie said, as if she didn't believe it. Then she probably imagined me doing it because she burst out laughing.

We were sitting outside near the lake; the castle was too hot. I didn’t know September could be so hot. Then again, Mother Nature likes surprising me; like that time I went to Izzie’s. It was sunny, then half way there it started to rain. I got soaked and ruined my new outfit. It was a good outfit as well. Mum says yellow isn’t my colour but she really doesn’t know a thing. I mean the woman likes vegetables for Merlin’s sake!

I was telling Izzie all about what happened as we made daisy chains. Classes were now over so we were pretending our homework didn’t exist for a while. It was nice. Peaceful. I liked it.

“Yes. Did you know there are over a couple of thousand stones that make up a wall?” I told her, feeling quite proud of myself for knowing this tidbit. This is actually guess work, I gave up after fifty. 

“I didn’t know you could count that high.” Izzie pondered something for a moment “So, let me get this right.” Izzie paused before breaking out into a grin. “You pulled Sirius Black's hair?” She emphasized every word. 

“Yes!” I sighed as I wondered whether I was speaking French because Izzie kept on asking silly questions. “Then we shared some biscuits and he said my book was crap.”

“Which book?” Izzie asked as she pulled some grass from the floor and sprinkled it in my hair.

How To Pull That Guy Out of Your Dreams.” I answered as I threaded another daisy to my chain.

“Oh. Well that is rubbish.” Izzie answered without even looking up. She was frowning. "Honestly Nellie, it really is!"

“It isn’t!” I argued. Page one wasn’t rubbish! Page two is another story though; I have yet to read it.

Izzie chose to ignore the comment. “What did he say about it?”

“He said lip gloss isn’t too good as it makes your lips too sticky.”

Izzie’s eyes widened a little as she immediately wiped the lip gloss of her lips.

I eyed her up strangely because I think my best friend just got a personality make over. She had got rid of her wonderful grape lip gloss because of something he said?

What is wrong with this world?

“What?” She shifted uncomfortably. “If he thinks it, so do other boys."

"Oh Isabel, I didn't know you were on the prowl for a suitable mate.” She glared at me as I laughed. "Anyway," I sighed as I chucked my arm over my friend's shoulder, “I think they prefer the term men now. It‘s much more manly.”

Izzie just pointed at a group of boys who were messing around with some joke products. “Those are boys. Other than the teachers, there are no men in this place.” She told me firmly.

Quite a bold statement Izzie, but I'll roll with it.

“Wow Izzie. You must hate men.” I giggled at her.

“No, I’m just not that.” Izzie pointed at two girls who were practically drooling over two boys. Izzie wrinkled her nose in disgust. “That’s pathetic.” The girls must have heard because they shot us a glare. I just grinned at them. I had got used to people giving us dirty looks after Izzie had spoken. 

“Some people can’t handle the truth.” Izzie said loudly. Izzie has always been honest except for when she wants a harmless laugh. She never holds back. It is both a curse and a gift. Izzie will tell you when you look awful. Like the time we were going to a fancy dress party. When I turned up at Izzie's house, she immediately told me that my outfit was stupid and I was blinding her.

The World, Biscuits And Sirius Black  According To Nellie O'Neill.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora