Mrs Borwith

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"Oh! Hello dearies! It's nice to see you all again!" Mrs Borwith exclaims as she opens the door to all four of us.
"Hello!" We all say in unison back.
We all love Mrs Borwith. Everyone in Belleville loves Mrs Borwith. She makes the best pastries and cakes in the whole of Jersey.
She makes special cookies at Halloween. Some of them are shaped like pumpkins, skeletons, bats and even vampire fangs. Yes, Mrs Borwith is a lovely and easy-to-love old woman. No one thinks she's a witch.
But I know a woman up the road that is.
Mrs Borwith hands us two orange pumpkin spice cookies shaped like pumpkins.
They look so yummy!
"Gee, thanks Mrs Borwith." Frank says and we say something else along the lines of 'thank you'.
We cross the road and start walking up the same direction but on the other side.
"Wait." I say quietly, stopping everyone in their tracks.
"What is it, Gee?" Frank says to me. I think he answered for Ray and Mikey because they didn't say anything.
"There's an old, old woman up this road. Older than Mrs Borwith. There's a rumour around this neighbourhood that she's a witch. Every Halloween, she lures kids into her house never to be seen again."
Mikey nods in agreement.
"It's true." He says to us.
Ray and Frank stare at eachother in complete shock.
"What. The. Fuck."
"What guys?" I say, slightly worried.
Ray stutters,
"She's. Outside. Her. House. And. Looking. At. Us. Gerard."
I whip my head round to look at the old, gnarly woman, watching us from outside the house that I was just talking about.
I whisper to everyone.
"No we need candy from across the street!" Frank exclaims quietly.
"Frank! This is serious! You have a deathwish, come on!"
But Frank doesn't listen. He walks the opposite way.

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