Chapter Five

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“Merry Christmas squirt.” Drew pressed his lips to my forehead & I snaked my arms around him. “Are you okay?” he whispered. Unable to speak because my face was buried in his chest, I just nodded. He pulled back & narrowed his eyes at me, studying my face for a long moment. “Okay then. Lie to me if you want.” He sighed dramatically & I laughed. “Macy?” My laughter stopped & I turned to face Trevor as he entered my bedroom. “Hey babe.” I said as I crossed over to him. I planted a kiss on his cheek & he put his arm around me possessively. “Who the fuck is this guy?” he growled. His nails dug into my arm, & I had to force myself not to flinch away from him. “Trevor, you remember my cousin Drew. You’ve met him before.” Trevor’s tightened jaw relaxed when he remembered Drew. “Oh yeah man. Sorry about that.” Trevor flashed Drew one of his famous bright smiles as he reached out to shake Drew’s hand. Drew shook his hand roughly & offered Trevor a fake, forced smile. “Dude, chill. Relax.” Drew’s words made Trevor tense. I elbowed Trevor playfully in the side & grinned. “Aww, Trevor is a jealous boyfriend.” I joked, trying to lighten the mood. “Hey Mace! Can you come help me?” Drew’s wife Jessica called up the stairs, & before I had a chance to respond, Trevor spoke. “Drew, can you go help her? I wanna wish my girlfriend a proper Merry Christmas if you know what I mean.” He smirked suggestively. Drew’s jaw tightened & he looked at me. “Yeah, go help Jess. I think everybody’s here by now.” With my eyes, I pleaded Drew to leave. After a moment of hesitation, Drew left, closing the door behind him. “Don’t you dare disrespect me like that again, you hear me?” Trevor growled before he slapped me across the face. I sucked in a breath & brought my cool hand up to touch my stinging skin. “Now I suggest you get your act together, & then get your sorry ass downstairs.” Suddenly I heard an explosion of laughter coming from downstairs, & I wished I was down there laughing with my friends. Trevor glared at me for another moment before he left, slamming the door shut. As soon as I knew he was safely down the stairs, I pulled out my cell phone & dialed Caysen. “Merry Christmas Macy!” Hearing the smile in his voice, I couldn’t help but smile to my empty room. “Merry Christmas to you too Caysen.” He didn’t respond immediately, but I heard what sounded like a chair scraping, then a door shutting. “What’s wrong? Do you need me to come get you?” I closed my eyes & sunk down onto my bed. “No. I don’t need you to come get me. I just needed to hear your voice.” I admitted. “Oh. Well I’ve been wanting to call you all afternoon so I could hear your voice too.” “Why didn’t you call? Trevor just got here a few minutes ago.” He chuckled. “Cause I didn’t wanna seem like a desperate, needy boyfriend.” He spoke quietly, but I could tell he was fighting back laugher. “Oh? Are you calling me a desperate, needy girlfriend?” I challenged. “No, baby! I think it’s cute that you just wanted to talk to me!” he assured me. “Well, I think it’s cute that you wanted to hear my voice.” I smirked to the wall, because I could practically hear his scowl. “Do not ever call me cute again.” “Or what?” I challenged. “You don’t wanna know what I’ll do to you.” he was threatening me, (and I could tell he was serious) but I wasn’t scared. “Ooo, I ‘m shaking in my boots.” I mocked. “You should be if you call me cute again.” I busted out laughing at the seriousness of his voice. He laughed with me for a moment before he sighed. “Babe I feel like I never get to hear you really laugh.” He said softly. “Well you should be lucky. You’re probably the only one you’ll hear my real laugh tonight. And that sucks, cause all of my best friends are here tonight, plus Trevor. Oh, all of my best friends, minus you.” “Having a big party without me, I see.” He chuckled. “Not really. It’s just me & Trevor, Trey & Rose, & my cousin Drew & his wife Jessica. Me & Jess cooked supper, & we’re gonna eat & open presents.” I told him. “Your parents aren’t there?” he asked casually. I shifted uncomfortably, wondering how to answer, when he spoke. “I’ll be there in five Mom!” he yelled. “Macy I gotta go. But I really wanna see you. Is there any way I could come over later tonight?” he sounded so hopeful, I couldn’t help but smile. “Actually, you can. Drew & Jess have gotta go home early to spend Christmas with their kids. Trevor & his family are leaving his house at like five in the morning to get to his grandparents’ in time for breakfast, so he’s going home pretty early tonight too. And Trey & Rose’s parents want them home too.” “Okay. Well, it might be late by the time I get away from my parents, is that okay?” “Yeah! You could just spend the night & stay for a while tomorrow if you want.” I suggested casually. “I probably will. I’ll grab some clothes from my brother.” I heard pounding, then Caysen’s laughter filled my ear. “Okay I really gotta go now. But Macy?” “Yeah?” “I really like you.” Before I had a chance to respond, he hung up. Smiling, I sent him a text saying “I really like you too ;)”. After deleting the text & hiding my phone in my dresser, I bounced down the stairs with a smile on my lips. As I walked into the living room where everyone was waiting on me, Jessica’s eyes widened & she touched my cheek. “Oh my God! What happened to your face?” she cried. I saw Drew’s jaw clench, but I couldn’t look at anyone but Jessica. She was the only one I had a chance of lying to. “Uh, I fell. You know me, I’m such a klutz. How bad does it look?” I asked uneasily. She studied if for a moment before she answered. “Ehh I guess it’s not that bad. Your whole cheek is red though.” I nodded. “How exactly did you fall Mace?” Trey asked. Before I could come up with a story, Trevor put his arm around me & gave me a quick peck on the lips. “We all know how big of a klutz my girl is. Let’s not rub it in. Rose, why don’t you go help Macy cover it up while the rest of us get supper to the table.” Trevor gave me a “playful” shove towards the stairs, & I grinned, not letting it show how badly it hurt. When I walked into my bedroom & heard Rose shut the door behind her, I pulled my phone out of my dresser. I had one text that said, “I can’t wait to see you tonight baby. Merry Christmas<3” from Caysen. When I turned around to face my best friend with a smile on my face, she was staring at me expectantly, her arms crossed & tapping her foot. “What?” I expected her to question my “fall”, but she didn’t. “Who are you texting?” Her mouth didn’t show it, but there was a smiling twinkling in her eyes. “Nobody.” I casually avoided her eyes & sat down at my mirror. She stood beside me & picked up my foundation & gently began applying it to my face. “Come on Macy. I’m your best friend. You can’t lie to me. I know you’ve been seeing someone for a while now.” She said quietly. I sighed. It was killing me, having to lie to my best friend. “Rose I can’t tell you. Not until I get rid of Trevor. It’s too big of a risk.” I answered. “Macy you know that I won’t say anything. I can’t believe you don’t trust me.” She backed away from me, hurt. I grabbed her arm & looked up at her desperately. “Rose it’s not that I don’t trust you, you know that. It’s just a risk I can’t take.” I desperately wanted to add, “because I don’t want Trevor to kill you too”, but I didn’t. She sighed & stepped back to finish my makeup. I closed my eyes & let my whole body relax, even the hand that was curled around my phone. Before I even realized that she was down with my makeup, I felt her snatch the phone out of my hand. My eyes flew open & I jumped up. “Rose, it’s not funny! Give it back” I was able to tackle her down & get my phone back from her. She immediately began to chase me around, & I listened as our laughter filled the room. Eventually, she gave up & collapsed on the bed. “Fine. I give up.” she took a few deep breaths, trying to catch her breath. “Damn. You’re in better shape that I am. Good thing I’m not playing basketball, or I’d be getting my ass kicked.” She muttered. “I’m gonna kiss your ass if you take my phone again.”

“Macy! Macy, wake up! Baby I need you to open your eyes.” I heard Caysen’s voice right in my ear, a little too loud, & I felt him shaking me, but I couldn’t seem to open my eyes. I felt his lips brush over my skin, & I shivered. “Macy, if you can hear me, I need you to say something if you can’t open your eyes.” He begged. “It hurts.”


All She KnowsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora