All She Knows-Chapter Two

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Caysen Chandler’s POV

(one week later)

         When the bell rang for third period, I mentally slapped myself because my palms got sweaty & my heartbeat picked up speed. Why was I so nervous to see Macy? Why was I forming a crush on a senior girl? My head’s answer was “because you’re stupid as fuck.” But my heart’s answer was “because she’s beautiful. And smart. And sweet. And she’s hurting, & scared of something. Because it’s November, & once she graduates in May, you can be with her.” As students began filling my room, I ignored the flirty girls & turned my attention to Macy & Trevor as they entered the room. He was gripping her hand so tightly that it looked like it was hurting her. When they stopped at her desk, he leaned in, making it look like he was kissing her neck, but I could tell he was whispering in her ear. When her face paled, it killed me not knowing what he was saying. He placed his other hand on her hip, & her lip began to tremble, & it looked like she was about to cry. I cleared my throat. “Mr. Layes. Please have a seat.” I said, not taking my eyes off Macy’s face. Her eyes widened as Trevor stepped away from her & shot me a death glare as he sat down. For the rest of the class, Macy kept her head down & didn’t speak to anyone. When the bell at the end of class rang, Macy made a beeline for the door, but I grabbed her arm. “Macy can I speak to you?” I asked her quietly. She turned to speak, but didn’t get a chance. Trevor reached between us & roughly ripped Macy’s arm out of my hand, causing her to whimper in pain. “Macy let’s go.” He said quietly. “Um Trevor I need to speak to Macy. Alone.” I let my teacher authority slip into my voice, & Trevor heard it. “I’ll be right outside the door.” Trevor told her before he left, leaving the door open. I silently crossed over to the door & shut it before moving back beside Macy. She looked up at me, her big blue eyes wide & filled with pain & terror. I knew her secret, but I couldn’t let her know that yet. “What do you need? I have to get to fourth period.” She said in a shaky voice, & it took all my strength to keep myself from pulling her into my arms & comforting her. “I was just going to let you know that I will be tutoring you today. Mrs. Singer’s out sick. I didn’t want you to be caught off guard like last time.” I told her. “Um, okay. Bye.” She said quickly as she walked to the door before slipping out.

         3:20. 3:45. 4:15. By five when Macy hadn’t shown up for tutoring, I gave up. My head was pissed that she just ditched, but my heart knew that she hadn’t come because of Trevor. The one thing I couldn’t understand was why she put up with him.

“Macy. Can I speak to you?” She froze when she heard my voice. I was lucky enough that I had caught her walking down the hallway, alone, when I stepped outside my room, headed for the bathroom. She didn’t say anything, but she didn’t walk away either. I stepped closer to her & touched her arm. I saw her shoulders visibly relax at my touch. “Come on Macy. This is my planning period, I don’t have a class. You have study hall this period don’t you?” I said softly. She nodded, but still wouldn’t face me. “If anyone asks, the library was locked so you came in here to get some help on your homework for my class. It’ll be okay, I promise.” I whispered. Luckily, the hallways were empty. She slowly turned towards me, & I gasped. There was a cut on her right cheek, & her right eye was bruised & swollen. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder & led her into my room, where I shut & locked the door behind us. “Macy…” I wrapped my fingers around her tiny arm & turned her to face me. There were tears in her eyes. I tenderly reached out & touched her cheek. “I fell.” She whispered. I tilted my head so I could look into her eyes. “You don’t have to lie to me, Macy.” I said gently. Her lip trembled, & I pulled her into my arms. Her body shook as she cried, & I just silently held her. After a few minutes, she pulled away, even though she was still crying. “Why are you doing this to me?” she cried, shaking her head. “Doing what?” I asked, truly confused. “This!” she motioned to where my hands were on her hips. “Being nice to me! Holding me while I cry, seeing right through my lies, making me laugh, making me feel things & doing things my abusive bastard of a boyfriend doesn’t even do!” As soon as she said the last words, her eyes widened & she covered her mouth with her hand. “Macy, shh. I know. But I’m not gonna say anything. I would never do anything to hurt you.” She pulled herself out of my hands. “Then why are you doing this? You think you’re helping, but you’re not! The looks of pity, telling Mrs. Singer that you’ll take over my tutoring, everything! You’re making it worse!” She pointed to her face. “You see this? You did this to me! I told Trevor that I wasn’t going to tutoring anymore, & this is what he did when I wouldn’t tell him why! But I couldn’t exactly tell him it was because I like my teacher!” she said. “First of all, I’m so sorry, Macy. I never wanted you to get hurt. But why does he want you to go to tutoring so badly?” I asked. She laughed once, but there was no humor in it. “I know you didn’t believe that bullshit story about Wingate. Well, the part about the wait list & bringing my grades up was true. But I don’t wanna go there. I hate everything about that school. But Trevor got a football scholarship there. Full ride. He loves everything about that school. Especially the part about how he bribed the coach by telling him that he wouldn’t play football there, unless the coach could get me & Trevor a single apartment together. All I’ve gotta do is get it. Then we’ll start our little happily ever after.” She said bitterly. “Why can’t you just tell him you don’t wanna go there? Hell, why don’t you just break up with his sorry ass? You deserve so much better than him!” She just shook her head. “I have to go. But if you really wanna help me, just leave me alone.”

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