All She Knows-Chapter One

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"Oh. My. God. Have you seen him?” Laughing, I turned towards the sound of my best friend’s voice. Her eyes were wide as she approached me. I hugged her, and then hugged her boyfriend, who is also one of my best friends. I pointed at him. “Rosie, one of these days Trey’s gonna get tired of hearing you talk about how hot other guys are.” I joked. Even before Trey or Rose had a chance to respond, I felt a set of muscular arms wrap around my waist, & I painted a smile on my face. He kissed my neck, & just as Rose said “awe how cute,” he pinched my side hard enough that it brought tears to my eyes. “Who are you talking about babe?” he asked innocently. Without looking him in the eye, I looked at Rose. “I have no clue. Who were you talking about Rose?”  She grinned. “The new math teacher. The old hag Mrs. Singer got fired cause she cussed out some freshman. Oh! So you’ll have him! Didn’t you have her third period?” I nodded, but let Trevor answer for me. “We have, err, had, Mrs. Singer for third together. At least I’ll get to see who my competition is.” He said with a small smile on his face. Just then, the bell rang. Rose laughed. “Yay! Third period! Go check him out Macy.” Rose winked at me & slapped my butt as they walked away. I tried to pull out of Trevor’s arms, but he held me tighter & pulled me around the corner where we couldn’t be seen. “Have you seen him yet?” he asked angrily. I shook my head frantically. “No! Rose had just walked up when you got there. I’ve been in class or with you all day!” He grabbed my arm roughly & pushed me against the wall, causing my head to bang the wall. “Don’t lie to me Macy.” He growled. “Trevor I promise I haven’t seen him,” I whispered desperately. He jerked away from me & grabbed my hand. By the time we got to the class, I felt like I was gonna puke. When we walked in the room, I couldn’t help but glance at the teacher’s desk. There I saw a tall, built guy in dark jeans & a navy blue button-up with the sleeves rolled up & a red tie. When my eyes finally made it to his face, my heart felt like it was gonna burst out of my chest. Smooth-shaved face, icy blue eyes, & shaggy chocolate hair that was hanging in his face.  When Trevor’s nails dug into my palm, I ripped my eyes off the new teacher & forced a smile at Trevor. “No worries babe. He’s not blonde.” I lied as I ran my fingers through Trevor’s blonde curls. I sat down on the opposite side of the room from Trevor & stared down at my textbook until the bell rang. “Alright guys. I’m Caysen Chandler. Oops. Mr. Chandler.”



                  When the bell rang at the end of class, Mr. Chandler held up his hands. “On her way out, I need Macy Willard to stop by my desk. Have a good day.” He dismissed. My heart hammered in my chest as I approached his desk. “Umm, I’m Macy Willard.” I said in a quiet voice. He glanced up, & when his eyes met mine, I could’ve sworn I saw something flash there. “Ahh yes. Mrs. Sandler left this for you this morning. And don’t ask, cause I have no idea what it’s about. I haven’t read it,” he told me, half a smile on his lips. “Umm okay. Thank you.” I said, trying to hold back my smile. When I took the paper from his hands, & my fingers brushed his, I felt sparks. Jerking my hand away from his, I dropped my eyes & practically ran out of the room. As soon as I was in the hallway, Trevor grabbed my arm. “What the hell was that about?” he nearly yelled. With shaking hands, I held up the note. “Mrs. Sandler gave him this for me. I haven’t even opened it yet.”  He grabbed it out of my hand. “ ‘We will still continue yours & Mrs. Singer’s tutoring sessions, on the same date & time. Meet me in the library at 3:15.’ “



                  As I sat in the library later that day, I found myself daydreaming about Mr. Chandler. Suddenly, a book slammed down on the table, causing me to nearly jump out of my chair & let out a shriek. “Shit. Sorry about that. Oh, crap, you didn’t heart that. I can’t get used to this whole no-cussing thing.” I was in shock as Mr. Chandler sat down beside me. “You look surprised to see me. I would be too truthfully. Actually, I kinda am. Mrs. Singer called me during last period & told me something had come up & that she needed me to tutor you today. I hope that’s okay?” He looked right at me unexpectedly, causing my heart to pound. “Uh, yeah. That-that’s fine.” I lied. Inside, I was panicking. “Okay then. Let’s get started. So how come you’re getting help? I mean, some of your test scores could be better, but I don’t think they were too bad.” When I looked at him, shocked, he laughed. “That’s why I was late. I was reviewing your grades to see how much work we had to do. Are your parents pushing you to get better grades or something?” he asked. The tone of his voice caught me off guard, because it sounded like he really cared. “Um, not really. I’m pushing myself. I really wanna get into Wingate University, & I’m on the wait list, so I have to show them I can pull my grades up.” When he raised his brow at me, I could tell he knew I was lying, but luckily he didn’t call me out on it. “Well alright then. We’re gonna work on trig today. Tell me the rules for sine, cosine, & tangent…”



                  “Here’s a real-life problem. You seem to do better at those.” I laughed. “Yeah, because if it’s not real-life stuff in math, I don’t understand the point.” I told him honestly, causing him to grin. “Honestly I hardly ever understand the point,” he said, causing me to laugh harder. About the time his deep, sexy laugh joined with my girly giggle, I heard the library door open, & I froze when I saw who was there. “Mr. Chandler. I’m surprised to see you.” Trevor said as he approached. Avoiding both of their eyes, I silently began to pack up my things. “Yeah. So was Macy. Mrs. Singer had something come up last minute, & asked me if I could help out Macy today.” Mr. Chandler responded easily. “And you just agreed?” Luckily Mr. Chandler didn’t hear the menacing tone to Trevor’s voice, but I did. “Well yeah. She’s my student. Couldn’t just leave her hanging.” He smiled, patting my back as I stood. Trevor turned to me & gave me a dark smile. “Babe, you ready to go?” he asked as he held out his hand. I faked a smile. “Yep. Let’s go.”



                  As I climbed into Trevor’s truck, I had to hide my shaking hands. And when he slid into the driver’s seat, I could see the anger on his face. As soon as he slammed the door, he reached across & slapped me across the face, leaving my skin stinging with pain. “Why didn’t you tell me he was tutoring you? You little slut!” I shut my eyes as he reached out & shoved me, causing the door handle to dig into my arm & my head to hit the window. Even though it made my blurry vision worse, I shook my head. “I didn’t know until he showed up! I swear! All I knew was what you read me in the note!” I cried desperately. He grabbed a handful of my hair & jerked my face so I was looking at him. “You better be telling me the truth. Cause I swear to God if you ever so much as think about cheat on me…” he threatened. “I swear I won’t baby. I love you.” I whispered. As soon as he heard those three little words, he instantly relaxed & almost smiled. “I love you too babe.” He leaned forward & crushed his lips to mine so hard that it hurt. I kissed him back immediately though. After a few long minutes of deep making out, he pulled away grinning. “Let’s go back to my place & continue that,” he suggested as he cranked the ignition. I faked a smile & turned to face the window. Just as my eyes met Mr. Chandler’s as we pulled out of the parking lot & passed where he was climbing in his car, a tear slid down my cheek.



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