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Dear Lauren,

Our kids got you a "Get-well-soon" card and I felt that I should give you one too. Our little boy, Sky, was the one who came up with the idea and his big sister supported him. But you know Ocean, she got a little competitive. Who do you think she got that from? Probably me, I guess. Both our kids are doing well in school. Ocean would soon start in high school and Sky was awarded the best Investigatory Project award in their school's annual Science fair. He'll probably show his blue-ribbon to you.

I miss you at being at home. No one prepares our delicious breakfast anymore. Kidding! I miss you more than that reason. I hope you're not getting bored or lonely here in the hospital. I promise we'll visit you more often than you think. We'll bring our home in this hospital just to make you well, I promise.

And you know what? The doctors said that you're showing good signs. The treatment is going well! And they also said that sooner or later, you'll get out of this hospital. Isn't that neat? We can fight this, you, me and our kids. Get well soon, okay honey? I love you and I will always do. Stay strong.

Love always,


P.S. Our anniversary is coming up soon. I've already got plans for us of course. I'm sure you're already discharged in this hospital when the time comes. I'm sure of it.

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