Day 2

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I've noticed so many girls at my school wear really tight clothing just to show off their asses, I mean I wear them to but just because I find them comfortable, these girl you can tell that they are trying to show off their assets. Girls you don't need to show off your ass to get a guy to like you, you need someone who likes you the way you truly are, Arabella happens to be one of these girls (of course!) She wears the tightest jeans I have ever seen, and short shirts just so her ass isn't covered. I mean come on! Men may think butts are hot until they realize, women shit too! Most men think that at anytime they are welcome to grab a women's ass, your not! I've seen so many girls hug a guy then the guy moves his hand down and squeezes her ass, and most of the time a girl likes it! Just, I can't, your ass, that's a pleasure, a ass, a fucking butt that touches pretty much everything and men find it sexy, guys find the women's face sexy, not her ass! And women, don't let men touch your ass, like, come on, it's your ass, your butt, you fart and shit out of it and your gonna let a guy touch it! Wow! Just wow!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 28, 2016 ⏰

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