The Capture of Tyrion Lannister

Start from the beginning

"Father? It's me, are you there?" she called out, but there was no answer

Liya's hand reached for the doorknob and slowly opened the door. She surveyed the room, but it looked like no one was there. Apparently, her father had indeed gone out, closing the door behind her Liya left to find out where her father was.

~time skip~

Adian was walking beside Liya as they ventured through the city streets. A soldier standing at the gate had told them that Lord Stark had left the Red Keep a while ago, a fact that confused them both. Getting a bad feeling in her stomach, Liya still insisted that they both search for her father. 

Adian's ears spiked up at the hearing of steel clashing together and tensed.

"What is it," Liya asked him noticing his sudden stop

"Do you hear that?" Adian said and reached for the hilt of his sword

Liya now heard the sound as well and immediately followed, the unease in her stomach only grew with every clashing. Adian forced her to go slower, discretion was needed, but both certainly didn't plan on stopping. As quickly and quietly as they could, they walked through the alleys eventually ending up in a small clearing. There, dead bodies lied spread out over the piazza ground, Lannister soldiers and a few of her fathers. Liya almost screamed at the sight, she'd seen a dead man before, but this was just pure slaughter and one of its victims was a man that was a dear friend to her, Jory. All were surrounded by a circle of Lannister soldiers, which each had their spears aimed and ready. In the middle of the circle she immediately recognized her father swinging his sword at another man. Liya rushed to him, but was held back by a hand that had caught her wrist that pulled her back. Adian was furiously shaking his head at her and harshly whispered that she couldn't intervene without putting her own life at stake. 

Going against every instinct that was screaming at her, Liya hid behind the wall and out of sight. From there she could get a partial glips of her father, his sword handled with great skill against a man. But this was no ordinary man, he did not wear the typical Lannister or Kings guard armour. Who was this man, a cell sword, maybe an assassin? 

As the attacker turned, a flash of golden hair followed with him and she immediately knew to which man it belonged. That egocentric man, normally dressed in expensive armour with a white cape fluttering behind him. Liya fumed, why would he attack her father? Had word travelled so fast already? But her father didn't held any part in the capture of Tyrion! He was attacking an innocent man! 

Her thoughts were broken by the sound of a loud grunt. Liya quickly refocused and saw that her father had fallen onto one knee, his entire body shaking as he held his right leg. Did that man managed to hurt her father? The thought made her wrench her from Adian's grip and burst through the line of soldiers.

"Father!" Liya exclaimed as she saw that spear protruding from the back of his right knee. Apparently not Ser Jaime, but another soldier had wounded her father, cowardly from behind his back. Her father's eyes snapped to her and in his eyes, she could see how he was trying to hide the pain. 

Jaime Lannister stood still beside his horse, his body gone frozen when she had entered the small square. Her eyes filled with fear and worry as she looked upon her father, but when they landed on his only the familiar raging snowstorm was present.

"Liya stay away, it's not safe for you here" Ned said in a rushed whisper when his eldest daughter knelt beside him

She firmly shook her head at him before she turned towards Jaime Lannister "you coward!" Liya yelled at him

For a moment she thought that she saw Jaime flinch, but he quickly replaced it with a snarl and inhaled sharply through in nose.

"You shouldn't say those words to me Lady Liya, you might regret them later" Jaime said in a dark voice

The knight had not expected any unwanted visitors when he confronted Lord Stark that his family wasn't to be messed with. But then out of thin air, his eldest daughter appeared the last person that Jaime wanted as a witness.

"Don't you dare threaten my daughter Kingslayer" Lord Stark growled and spat out his nickname

Jaime felt his jaw set, something he almost unconsciously did every time her heard that damn name. In hopes to prevent the start of another fight, Jaime quickly settled back upon his horse

"I want my brother Lord Stark. I want him back" Jaime growled at the said Lord and galloped away on his horse

Ned Stark turned towards his daughter who's eyes burned into the retreating back of the Kingslayer. Ned was angry at her as she had risked her own safety, but his worry for her survival and that of his other daughters was more important. His children were everything to him, he had to get them out of the city.

"Liya" His breath was heavy and Ned grimaced slightly from the pain

"What is it father?" Liya looked at his shaking and pale form, her attention completely on her father

"You need to leave Kings Landing now before the Lannisters will harm you"

"What about Arya and Sansa?" Liya was worried for their safety as well now that word had gotten out Tyrion Lannister was captured by a Stark

"I'll figure something out, but Liya, you need to go back home" Ned Stark started to feel dizzy and dark spots appeared in his vision. The blood loss and the pain were getting to him and slowly he fell down to the ground surrounded by his dead men.

As always, thank you for reading



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