Chapter 32: It's A War Zone

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Song: Pillowtalk-Zayn Malik



"So why are you here?" I handed over the cup of freshly brewed coffee to Mehmet.

"Well, because, someone left the country without informing me, twice. You know it only takes 2 seconds to type a message, right?" A sarcastic Mehmet replied.

"Well, I did leave someone a message or two, but they were too busy that they couldn't take out 2 seconds of their life to reply with a simple 'Hi' or 'Hello'. Not my fault." I replied with an equally sarcastic tone.

"I'm sorry about that. I was really busy with work, I did plan on replying back to you, but I couldn't find the time. But here I am, now."

"Yeah, well, you need not apologize. I got myself busy with work, to clear my head, and think about what you've said."


"And, what?"

"What have you thought of?" He got curious.

"I've not thought of anything. To be frank, I got too busy at work that I didn't have time to think things through."

"Oh," he frowned, "so I did this for nothing?"

"Well," I paused to see the disheartened look on his face. I placed my hand on his, "you've certainly impressed me with everything, never thought I'd find someone so romantic. Furthermore, I guess you don't need to go the extra mile, to win me all over again. I mean, I've already confessed my love for you."

"Does that mean?" His pupils dilated by 50% or more and his face brightened up like a 1000 Watts Philip's Light Bulb.

"Hahaha. Figure it out for yourself, my dear." I replied.

"You love teasing me don't you?"

"Well, you'll have to learn to live with it, darling." I said with a smirk. "Besides, what's the fun in living like a boring old couple?"

"Who said we'll act like a boring old couple?" He grinned from ear to ear and I could feel a warm sensation up my spine and my face turning red and hot, like someone just cranked up the heater.

"Umm. I think I need more coffee." I hurried my way to the kitchen.

"Did someone get turned on?" I could hear him with the smirk on his face from the kitchen but I tried to ignore him because I knew what he was doing, trying to tease me and take revenge for what I did earlier. "I'll take that as a yes!"

"I think you're very much mistaken, dude."

"Oh? Am I? The facial flush says otherwise, my girl."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes at him, although I know he couldn't see me.

"Hahahaha. You're so turned on right now."

"Suuuure." I replied sarcastically.

This was followed by complete silence for a few minutes. I was still in the kitchen, I thought he either left without saying goodbye or went to sleep. But he caught me by shock when I turned around, he was right behind me.

"Holy guacamole! You scared me! Again! Do you want me to die of a heart attack?" He only laughed. "It's not funny Mehmet!" He kept on laughing, I could see the tears roll down his cheeks. "Ugh. Whatever!" I said as I made my way to the sofa with the cup of coffee in my hand but I was stopped midway when he grabbed me by my arm, pinned me against the wall and started kissing me.

"I've waited too long for this." He gasped in between as his kisses trailed down my neck and then up to my lips.

It felt so wrong but right at the same time. I couldn't keep my hands to myself and I dropped the cup of coffee, which created a big mess but we were least bothered to clean that up right now. My hands were in his hair right now, while I kissed him passionately. Yes, I was tired, really tired after my day at work. But somehow, all of it was long gone by now. He carried me into my room and laid me on my bed before he took off his shirt, showing off his perfectly built abs and muscles, and started kissing me again down my neck. I had a single bed, for obvious reasons, so it was pretty difficult, but we managed.

The next morning was beautiful. And I mean literally, beautiful. The bright rays of the Sun shone beautifully through the clear blue skies, there was no dark cloud, fortunately. This was a pleasant sight for sore eyes. Since the day I came back, I only saw dark clouds with snow almost everyday, which I loved at first, but more sooner than I ever, I started missing the warmth of the Sun. It seemed like it snowed the previous night while we were too indulged in ourselves. It was cold, and we were still in bed, cuddled up underneath the blanket. Though we shared a single bed, it wasn't as uncomfortable as I had thought of. In fact it was actually pretty cozy and warm thanks to the warm blanket and our skin contact. He held me in his arms while he was asleep, while I admired just how handsome he looked, even while asleep. I ran my fingers through his hair, which was a disheveled mess after all the exercise last night and kissed him on his forehead. He gave a smile before he opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful eyes." He said with his hoarse voice, which sounded even sexier right now.

"Good morning to you too, my love." I said as I placed a peck on his cheeks. "What do you want for breakfast?"

"Well you know what they say about the breakfast of champions, right?" He winked at me and I could feel my face turn red hot.

"I think we've had enough of that." I replied trying to cover up. "Come on, rise and shine now. I'll make you some coffee and some waffles."

"Or we can skip that and go for another round." He replied with a smirk.

I was way too embarassed. And my mind wasn't functioning properly, I thought of various options of what to say, but I wasn't quite successful at it, and blurted out the first thing that came to my mind. "I would require energy for that, but you've taken up all of it." I placed my hands on my mouth realizing what I said, I was so embarassed. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"Hahahaha! You're so cute when you're all embarassed." He laughed and I smacked him on his arm. "Ow! What did you do that for?"

"I just felt like it." I grinned as I made my way to the closet to select my clothes and change.

"Come here you!" He got up from the bed and started tickling me.

"Stop, haha, st-stop. Okay-ay hahaha sto-opp!!!!" I lost my breath due to the constant tickling. "I'm going to die, can't breathe!" I said as I tried to catch my breath. I lost my balance and we both fell on the ground, I was over him. I grabbed his hands to stop him but he rolled over, this time he being on top. We both shared a sweet intimate moment, and he closed his eyes making his way to kiss me, but I pushed him and ran towards the washroom. "Hahaha. Revenge!" I replied from the door.

A Turkish Delight☆حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن