Chapter 25: You Don't Love Him.

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"Hey Mehmet. How are you, hope you're doing well. I hope you haven't left the country as yet."

I typed him a message. But before I could press 'Send' I erased it. I basically wanted to know his whereabouts. I was going to invite him to my wedding. I wanted him to realize that he was wrong. But I wanted to see the look on his face when he comes to know of this. I wanted to see his disappointed face. Call me a sadist, but I just don't want anyone to prove me wrong. Unless of course I am wrong, which I'm not right now. Furthermore, I also had to prove to Nimra that I wasn't faking anything with Saif. I left Nimra's place shortly afterwards and went to run a few errands. Once I completed everything I reached home. I saw my father's car parked in the driveway. As I made my way into the house, I started feeling extremely nervous. What if he doesn't approve? What if he says its too early? What if he has something else in mind? A thousand questions were racing my mind, but when I entered the house it was a totally different scenario.

My father received me at the door and hugged me. He was really happy. But I could see tears rolling down his face. I've never seen him like this before, except on the death of my paternal Grandmother.

"Baba? What happened? Why are you crying?" I asked.

"Nothing beta. These are tears of joy. I'm so happy for you my child. Saif is a really nice boy. We will support you two no matter what." He said with his shaky voice.

"Thank you, Baba. Thank you for your blessings. I love you."

"I love you too, beta." He continued, "now lets start with the preparation shall we? We only have 3 days!"

"Baba. I don't want a very extravagant wedding." I replied.

"Beta. Don't you worry about it. Not only did we save for your education but we saved for your wedding too. Not just yours but also your siblings. Please don't take this privilege away from us."

"Okay Baba." I said as I hugged him tightly. "I love you Baba."

"I love you too Beta."

"Okay, enough with the father-daughter emotional drama." My annoying sister, Mariha, interrupted. "Let's go and get you your wedding dress!"

"Okay okay loser!" I teased her.

"Mom! Aapa (sister) is calling me a loser!" She complained.

"Nadine!" My mother said as she tried to break the fight. "Enough! Now lets go! We have a lot to do!"

"I'm calling your brother, Ammar. He has to catch the next flight to Karachi with his wife. I don't want him to miss out on your wedding." My father said.

"Sure thing Abba!"


After trying out at least 10 dresses we finally decided on one. It wasn't like the traditional red dress that is worn by brides here in the subcontinent. It was a white full length dress with a floral embroidered pattern. It was very simple yet elegant. I loved it! I always wanted a white dress for my wedding because no matter how plain and simple it was it still looked elegant. My mother and sister got their traditional red coloured dresses. My mother got herself a red saree and my sister got herself a red sharara (long skirt). It took us a good 3 hours just to select the dress.

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