Chapter 7

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Killua: Oh! I have an idea!

Yugi: *scared* Oh no, not one of your-

Killua: (throwing things around stage) Now, where did I put it?...........Oh, I remember *goes back stage*

Yugi: *pales* Oh no, Don't tell me.........

Killua: *comes back in with hands behind back* I'm back!~

Yugi: What did you do?! Please don't tell me you got that!

Killua: *innocently pouting* Okay fine, I won't tell you that I got a super duper awesome present for you

Yugi: *sweatdrop and sigh* You just did. *Curiosity kicks in* By the way, not that I care or anything, but what exactly is this super duper awesome present supposed to be?

Killua: *smirk* I knew you see it my way. It's...................*brings item from behind back* Your puzzle!!!

Yugi: *stares* Where did you get that?

Killua: Well I haven't seen you wearing it lately, so I found it for you.

Yugi: *brightens* Oh okay *turns confused* I thought I put it somewhere no can find. How did you find it?

Killua: That's a secret!!!!!

Yugi: *sigh*

Killua: Hey. Hey. Hey. Hey.

Killua: Hey.

Killua: Hey.

Killua: Hey

Yugi: What?!

Killua: Did you know? *brings dark sunglasses out of no where* 'A secret makes a woman, woman'


Killua: Okay!!!!!!  I hope you like this chapter like all the others, which weren't that good but oh well. Ummm.......Oh disclaimer huh. If I owned Yugioh, do you really think I would be writing this? No? I didn't think so. So well it seems like we are done here, See ya after the story(or chapter whatever you want to call it)!!!! 



Kira was the first to reach the stairs with Heba right at her heels. They were the first to reach the bathroom and tried the doorknob only to find it locked. Kira sighed loudly, "Why does he have to make this harder?" She kicked the door open and froze.

Heba who was behind her looked over her shoulder and saw a sight he wished he didn't have to see again.

A pale Yugi sitting in a pool of blood, wrists cut, with the knife right beside him sitting innocently stained with the crimson color of blood. 

Kira ran over to Yugi and pulled at his wrists, putting pressure on them, she called over her shoulder voice shaking, "Heba, help me get Yugi to the car, we need to take him to the hospital. Like right now." Heba nodded and ran over, together the two of them got Yugi to the car. Ryou was holding onto Bakura like a life line shaking with tears in his eyes, while Malik looked shocked holding onto Marik the same way. 

Into the Darkness We Fall (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi Fanfiction)[Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now