Chapter 5

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Killua: Now I may not own Yugioh, I DO own Kira, Leo and Mizuki. I hope you enjoy! 



With Kira leading the way, the small group of friends made their way out of the crowded airport, and to the parking lot. 

Bakura and Marik stopped and stared at the car that the girl lead them to. A bumblebee Chevy camaro. Bakura whistled, and Marik just had his mouth hanging open. 

Ryou looked over to see what was wrong but then he saw their faces, he poked Malik o get his attention. Malik looked over to Ryou just to see him pointing at Bakura and Marik. Malik laughed, getting the attention of Kira and Heba. They looked over to see what was funny, and ended up just looking amused. 

Kira chuckled, "Like my ride?" Marik just nodded, while Bakura walked up to her. 

"How did a little shrimp like you get a ride like that? Did you steal it?" Kira just laughed.

"What makes you say that?" she said innocently. A little too innocently.

Bakura smirked. "You did didn't you?"

Kira just shrugged, "I'll leave it up to your imagination"

Bakura just shook his head, "I think I'm starting to like you shrimp." Kira just shook her head, "Whatever you say old man"

Bakura glared at her, "What did you just call me!!" 

Kira ignored him, and put a serious look on her face, "We need to leave. Like right now." It wasn't a suggestion, it was an order.

The air surrounding the group went from a more happy to a tense and business like air you could cut with knife. 

Marik, who was silent for once, walked up to the car, turned with a very serious face and asked, "Can I drive?" 

Kira just stared and blinked. Ryou just shook his head. As Bakura looked amused.

Malik on the other hand, "No! You can't. Remember the last time you drove a car? You drove us into a ditch."


Malik deadpanned, "There was a rail on the side of the ditch."

"So?" Kira smirked, amused, 'I know where this is going' Heba was just shaking his head.

"We didn't even touch the rail! We went into the ditch, without going through the rail."

Kira laughed. Everyone looked at her, she suddenly stopped laughing. Her eyes wide and they changed yellow, scared.

Everyone looking confused, about to ask, but they never got the chance. 

Kira ran to the driver side door, "Get in. NOW!" 

They did so. They bearly got into the car when Kira hit the gas.

"Hold on!" and hold on they did, for dear life.

Kira had a serious look on her face, so they didn't ask. Ryou was holding onto Bakura, and Malik the same to Marik, like their lives depended on it, and it did.

That is if they were going to save his life.

'Yugi please wait until we get there,'


Suicide isn't cowardly,

I'll tell you what is cowardly;

treating people so badly

that they want to end their lives


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Into the Darkness We Fall (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi Fanfiction)[Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now