Chapter 4

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Killua: I unfortuatly do not own Yugioh, now if i did then there would have been a lot of yaoi, but i don't so oh well. Though i do own Kira , Leo and Mizuki 


True to his word, Heba and the others made their way to Domino, Japan in a days time. They walked through the crowd of people at the airport looking for someone they knew. 

"Heba!" Heba turned at the voice and was nearly knocked down by the body that crashed into him, but he caught himself and chuckled. 

"Hello Kira," the others looked slightly confused. The two let go of each other and looked at them. Ryou's and Malik's eyes lit up, and they tackled the girl. Her eyes widened as she couldn't catch herself and they all tumbled to to the floor. 

They laid there for a good minute until the Ryou, Malik, Heba and the girl bursted out laughing.

All of them falled to notice that there was two people that stood there in an awkward silence, wondering who the girl was. She looked just like Yugi and Heba but her hair was alot longer(a/n i think i already described what she looks like, and i'm lazy so i'm not doing it again). Bakura and Marik looked at each other for answers but found that the other was just as confused. 

When the laughter finally ceased the three got up from the floor helping each other up.

"Umm, Heba?" Heba looked at Bakura like he just appeared out of no where, Heba blinked.


Bakura just sighed, "Who's she?" Heba blinked again, slightly confused and then realization dawned on him like a ton. Heba blushed at his mistake and looked at the girl, smiling sheepishly rubbing the back of his head.

"Bakura, Marik, this is Kira Okami. Kira, this is Bakura and Marik."

Kira nodded and stared at Bakura with a calulating look.

Bakura growled, not liking being stared at. "What are you looking at?" He snarled. Kira didn't answer but she kept staring, then she turned her eyes on Marik. When this happened he started to get a little pissed off, you could see it in his eyes.

Ryou and Malik kept looking between the three nervously, scared of what might happen, ready to jump in if nessasary. Heba went a little tense noticing the irked looks on their faces.

"Hmm~" Kira closed her eyes and went into deep thought. She then opened her eyes and they flashed yellow, she then looked at Ryou and Malik with a wolf-ish grin on her face and a mysterious gleam in her eyes.

They backed away slowly, slightly afraid of she will do. Heba relaxed and sighed shaking his head, 'I knew this was gonna happen.' 

Kira then remembered why they were there, and her grin fell from her face and turned into a small sad smile, "We should get going." She turned away and walked to exit.

She turned back with her grin and gleam back on her face, "Oh, and Ryou, Malik? I approve." She turned and started to swiftly walk away knowing they will catch on eventually.

Ryou and Malik looked confused at first, but then their eyes widened and major blushes lit up her their faces. 


She ran, laughing all the way. Heba just chuckled shaking his head folowing them but at a slower pace. Bakura and Marik looked at each other, shugged and followed the four. 

Seems like they momentarily forgot that their best friend and brother was falling into darkness, slowly and painfully.



Pain from Lonliness.

Forever alone.

All of this leads to suicide.


Happiness is like a butterfly; 

the more you chase it,

the more it will elude you,

but if you turn your attention to other things,

it will come and sit softly on your shoulder...


Comment? Rate? 

anyone like my little entry up there? the butterfly?

Into the Darkness We Fall (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi Fanfiction)[Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now