Chapter 2

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Lynnie: Hey guys Lynnie here! Again, still kinda editing a lot of the chapters in this little story, you know trying to up my vocab and stuff so yeah. Sorry if I have any mistakes or anything in these I'm not the best writer or speller so yeah.

Yugi: *holds up his hand threatening*

Lynnie: Right! Well, I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh as we all know, but I own the OCs you will be meeting soon. I hope you guys enjoy and thanks for reading! Ja! *runs out being chased by Yugi*



Yugi flinched as thunder boomed across the sky and whimpered as he thought, 'Could this day get any worse?'

Of course it could, because as he started to run home he bumped into someone. A very big someone.

"Hey! Watch wher-...hey guys, come look at this! It's our little play thing." a voice sneered wickedly.

Yugi froze.

He knew that voice....It was Ushio Tetsu.


That wasn't good. And Yugi knew this wasn't going to end well. Well, at least for him anyway.

He stopped rubbing his leg which he fell on and looked up at Ushio and his gang as they surrounded him.

Some of Ushio's gang members grabbed Yugi and dragged him into an alleyway. As much as he struggled, he knew he wouldn't get free, but at least he tried.

"Hey wimp. Where's your friends hm? Did they leave ya behind?" Ushio spat and laughed cruelly. "Or maybe they've finally seen what you are. A worthless piece of shit. You're weak, pathetic, a waste of space."

As Ushio insulted the poor helpless hikari, he and his gang continuously hit, punched and kicked him. The pain was so terrible Yugi bit his lip to keep himself from crying out, but that only resulted in him tasting the iron of his own blood. He cried silently and whimpered trying to curl up small enough to lessen the damage put onto his body, but nothing helped. He felt around for the barrier of his and Yami's mind link and called out to him but all he was met with was terrifying hurtful silence. No one will come to help him, and he knew that. He had no friends. No one cared. The light in his eyes started to die out, as the pain continued to be bestowed upon him.

Then the beatings stopped. As Yugi looked up his eyesight hazed and fading, he saw a girl taking the punches like a grown man. But even a grown man would've cried out in pain. She looked a hell of a lot like Yugi except her hair was longer and was pulled back in a ponytail. And her bangs were like Yami's and Atem's because a part of her bangs went back into the rest of her hair, but the rest were droopy lightning bolts like Yugi's. Her yellow eyes glowed with anger and bloodlust.

She glared at Ushio and his gang as they stepped back and took a good look at her. As lustful looks came upon their faces, she growled like an animal, and lashed out. She grabbed Ushio and punched him in the face that threw him across the alley. As Ushio struggled to get up, the girl took out his gang members quickly and then turned to him growling.

Ushio stood, looked at Yugi and smirked at his bloody and battered form before looks back at the girl standing in front of him, "Well, well, well, looks like the little weakling is hiding behind a bitch." He arched his finger at the girl and sneered at her, "Come here little bitch, I'll be your master." That's when he was kicked in the balls and kneed in the face before falling to the ground out cold.

She threw him at some of the now struggling to stand gang members and they fell on their arses (A/N: haha arses X) too funny, say that out loud and tell me its not funny) trying to catch him. She growled at them and they scrambled away as fast as their bruised legs can carry them and their leader.

She turned to Yugi and he shied away a little, but hissed and whimpered from the pain in his bones and new bruises. Her eyes softened, turning back to the gorgeous amethyst color and kneeled down next to him and whispered, "Sleep." His eyes slowly closed and he fell into the darkness of his mind.

She looked him over, looking at the numerous amount of bruises that racked his body and she bit her lip, sighed and then whispered for no one to hear, "I'm sorry Yugi...I should've gotten here sooner."

She gently picked him up, making sure not to aggravate his wounds any further and started walking to the Game Shop. As she walked she remembered what she saw at the school.


She watched as Yugi's 'friends' left without him once again. She watched them leave and then looked at Yugi with saddened amethyst eyes. She watched him leave depressed and alone. 'Maybe I should introduce myself now that no one is there for him again...' She thought.

She glared at the backs of Yugi's so called 'friends', eyes flashing yellow like they do when she's angry and left after Yugi. She stopped her breath catching and growls running toward where she heard a whimpering and the sounds of flesh hitting flesh. She skidded to a stop in front of an alleyway where she heard the noise, and saw a whimpering Yugi on the ground curled up as he was being beaten on. All she saw was red before she lashed out at Yugi's attackers.


As she came up to the front door of the Game Shop, she found Yugi's keys in his jacket pocket and unlocked the door before walking upstairs to his room and laying him on the bed.

She looked at Yugi's face and smiled softly down at him but at the same time, sadly. She let her gaze trail down looking at all the bruises and bleeding cuts all over his body as a growl rose in the back of her throat. She wanted to go back and kill those guys for hurting her br-...for hurting Yugi. But she knew it wouldn't do Yugi any good, so she sighed and left the room to get bandages and ointment for his wounds.

Yugi's eyes snapped open as he silently panicked when he found he could barely move. Then the memories of earlier that day came rushing back and he relaxed before tensing up again holding back a whimper as his bruised body didn't agree when the girl came back in the room holding a first aid kit.

She kneeled down next to his bed and smiles softly at him and said gently, "I'm glad you're awake, but you shouldn't be so tense. You'll just hurt yourself." Yugi looked at her dumbfounded and confused, why was she treating him, a pathetic weakling, with such kindness? He winced slightly when he felt a hand squeeze his arm slightly and he looked at the girl and she looked at him with a hard stare, "You're not a weakling Yugi. You never were." Some of the light started to come back in Yugi's eyes as he whispered, "Who are you?"

The girl smiled, "The name's Kira, Kira Okami."


Lynnie: Hey guys. I hope you liked it, I know it's not he best but still. Uh..let's see...wait..what did I talk about last time..*rubs chin* eh I forget, well anyway. I did some editing trying to make it better with the grammar and vocab as you know already and I'm sorry for repeating it but it's just in case someone missed it.

Yugi: *hits her in the head with a book* Hurry up! We gotta get to work on the next chapter!

Lynnie: *flinches* owwie Yugi-chin that hurt! 

Yugi: *holds up another book threatening*

Lynnie: *sighs* alright alright. Well see you guys later, please like and favorite or whatever you can do now *narrows eyes at Wattpad* I lost track of what you can do on here now. But anyway I got off track...well I hope you liked this chap-...wait no...I said that already...ah forget it! See you guys in the next chapter! Ja!

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