Chapter 1

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Lynnie: Hey guys! Sorry I've been gone for so long ;~; I kept saying I was going to finish a story but I sadly never get the time to work on it. *le sigh* Well, I am back again, hopefully I can focus on at least finishing one of these fanfics I got going.

Yugii: *classic playful eye roll* Will you hurry up and start already?

Lynnie: *pouts* awe come on Yugi, I gotta tell all my fans about what's going on!

Yugi: *bops the back of my head* No you don't, just get the to meat of the story and start the fanfiction already.

Lynnie: *sighs rubbing the back of my head* alright alright alright *claps* As we all know Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to Kazuki Takahashi so I don't own any of those characters. Except! For the plot and some OCs that are mine of course cause you know, they're OCs so yeah.*^* No I will not tell you who they are because it's a surprise.

Yugi: *sighs and covers Lynnie's mouth* shush already. Enjoy the story everyone! Ja!

*Lynnie waves as she is being dragged off stage her mouth still covered by Yugi's hand*


Here we are in Domino, Japan.

The usual gang gathered around the front gates as the last bell rang Joey, Tristan, Anzu and Tea. As the Sennen twins walked up to them, they were greeted by the group of friends and almost immediately they left for the arcade as though it was normal.

But they were missing something....or should I say, someone.

They didn't realize it. But who are they missing? Can you guess?

The innocent one isn't there...

Yugi Moto.

Yugi watched his 'friends' walk out of school without him, again. He sighed and started walking home to the Game Shop. 'Why are they ignoring me? Did I do something wrong? Was it something I said?' He swallowed the lump in his throat ignoring the throb of pain in his chest. He walked on his head lowered deep in thought. 'Grandpa's on a dig in Egypt while Leo and Mizuki are with him celebrating their anniversary. Maybe I should call Heba..." He shook his head, 'No I don't want to worry him over something like this, I worry him enough, right now I just need to get home safely.'

But of course Fate would not allow that, it seems Fate has other plans for our little light Yugi Moto.

Yugi flinched as thunder boomed across the sky and whimpered as he thought, 'Could this day get any worse?'

Of course it could, because as he started to run home he bumped into someone. A very big someone.

"Hey! Watch wher-...hey guys, come look at this! It's our little play thing." a voice sneered wickedly.

Yugi froze.

He knew that voice....It was Ushio Tetsu.


Lynnie: So I know it's still as short as the first one but I'm just trying to up my vocab and grammar to make it a bit better experience for all of us. ^~^ Hope you liked it. See you in the next chapter.

Into the Darkness We Fall (Yu-Gi-Oh Yaoi Fanfiction)[Rewriting]Where stories live. Discover now