8 - Everett - 8:30 PM

Start from the beginning

"What?" she asks as she slaps my grip off her arm and faces me.

I can see and feel her anger towards me. How can she be angry with me? I remind her of her behavior this morning, and then it hit me. "You do remember last night, don't you?" I ask as I bite back a grin.

Jubilee narrows her eyes. "I have to go," she says and heads back to the party.

I take a long, deep, happy breath as I watch Jubilee run off again. I give myself a minute to wipe this smile off my face, for Jubilee's sake, before returning to the party. I can't believe the accuracy of Jessica's assessment. Jubilee is furious because she remembers and... Jessica introduced me as her date. "Fuck." I whisper to myself. Jubilee thinks I'm on a date with Jessica, who is wearing that tiny black dress and hooker heels, and at a children's birthday party no less. Jessica's actions, and mere presence, were much more effective that she knows.

When I walk back to the garden, I see Jubilee struggling with the little girl in the pink jacket who smiled at me earlier. I knew it was Aryana! Aryana met Kile's niece in the park, this is his place, and Jubilee is here with him. That's where I'm going to be, right next to the muscle head. Keep your enemies close, even if all they do is talk about Jiu Jitsu with anyone who will listen. I feel sorry for the guy he's been talking to for the past five minutes.

As expected, once Jubilee picks up Aryana in her arms she heads towards Kile. She glares up at me with fury in her eyes, and it takes a mountain of self-control to hide my excitement. My breathing becomes heavy as I dart thoughts in her direction, hoping some supernatural telepathic ability magically appears. He's an asshole. Forget about him! Let's just talk and figure this out!

"You're leaving? It's only nine." Kile states with fake sadness. He looks a little too Jersey-Shore-ish with that tight white tee shirt displaying his biceps. I wonder what, if anything, Jubilee sees in this guy.

"Yeah. Aryana is tired." Jubilee says.

"I'll take you home."

People start shuffling into the lobby to head up to his apartment. A friend asks about taking up the drinks and the doorman tells him he has to clear out by nine thirty. Someone else bombards him with requests and I see my moment of opportunity.

"Kile, you have a lot to take care of. I can take Jubilee home. I was going to leave anyway," I insist, pressing my arm on his shoulder. His scowl starts at my hand on his shoulder, travels up along my arm to meet my eyes. He moves his shoulder from under my hold and shoots me a threatening glare.

Faking sincerity was never my strong suit, especially after what happened with Keri. This troglodyte knows that soon he's going to have to leave her to tend to his guests. I match his glare and smirk only slightly, enough for him to know my intentions.

Kile turns his back towards me to face Jubilee. He whispers something to her and she gives him a tired nod. Jubilee walks past me without looking up and sets herself on a couch in the lobby.

Once the lobby is empty I whisper to Jubilee, "This is stupid. I can take you home. You don't have to wait for that guy."

"I don't want you to take me home." Her tone is adorably harsh. It's becoming increasingly difficult to conceal my glee.

"Oh, is that how it is?" I reply playfully. "Last night was me, tonight it's him," She gives me a look so menacing that I get a chill down my back. Jubilee lifts Aryana with a grunt and heads out of the building.

Okay, she's clearly not ready to joke about last night.

I fly through the doors and jump out right in front of her to stop her in her tracks. "I didn't mean that. I'm sorry. I just-" I lean in as close to her as possible with Aryana between us, staring right at her eyes, glancing repeatedly at her luscious lips. "I understand why you're defensive. I get it...you don't remember me or what happened last night. But I want to help you remember. So...maybe if we just talk, then you'll remember." I can't stop staring at her lips.

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