Chapter 23: Party!

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*Valerie's P.O.V*

I had just finished getting out of the shower and I was putting on my clothes that I had laid out on the bed. I was wearing a light pink tee and some white jeans with flower prints, I put on my my pink high tops and then headed to the bathroom to blow dry my hair.

After I finished blow drying my hair, I grabbed my wand and started curling my hair.

I put on some mascara and then I grabbed my 'baby lips' that was a light pink and put it on. (I know, I'm going with light pink for everything XD) I looked in the mirror just to see how I looked. As I was looking in the mirror I heard my phone ringing. I looked around the room trying to see were the noise was coming from, then I found it. I grabbed my phone and answered it.


V-Valerie A-April


A-hey it's April. I'm outside, are you ready?

V-yea! I'll be out in a sec.



I ended the call and then I ran to the leaving room.

I grabbed my hoodie and my small purse that had my money and keys. I opened the door and then I closed it, and yes I did make sure that it was locked. I could see April's car, then I made my way to her car.



We got out of April's car and I could see that the party was taking place at does fancy halls like were they have a wedding. "Come on Valerie!" April said while running tours the entrance.

As soon as we entered, the pace was so fancy. Chandeliers and beautiful sofas. As April and I walked around the place we could hear music getting louder as we walked. "the party must be this way!" April practically yelled. Then we looked at our right and saw this HUGE room with music and lasers and smock machines, there was also a HUGE Christmas tree! "wow," I said looking at the room. "Hey guys!" I heard someone say. I looked to my left to see it was Jerome. "hey Jerome! I haven't seen you in months!" I said. Then I hugged him. "hey Jerome we need some more ice for the coolers," said someone. I turned to my back to see Mitch.

"ok I'll go get some more," Jerome said. Then he walked away." Mitch come help me with the food," I heard someone say. As I looked in Mitch's direction I saw a girl with a beautiful baby blue strapless dress. She had curly blonde hair and baby blue eyes. Then as I stared at her I realized it was that girl Maria.

When I realized it was her, I felt sick to my stomach. I could see April could see that I was sick. "umm...Valerie I need your help with something," April said then grabbing my hand and leading me somewhere.

She lead me to the janitor's closet and then we both went in.

"Ok what's up?" April questioned me. "nothing, I just don't feel good," I lied. "I know that your pissed seeing Mitch and that bitch Maria," April said looking at me. "ahh! fine! yes I'm pissed, but why should I care? Mitch and I broke up and now I'm with Jason, but I just feel like I still have feelings for him," I admitted. I looked at the floor and then wandered if what I just said was true. Did I miss him? those are the questions I would always ask myself, but one question that I always wanted an answer was, would he want me back? "Hello? earth to Valerie!" I heard someone yell and shake me, and with that I snapped out of my thoughts. "Ah...yea, I was just thinking that's all," I said. "umm...ok well we should go back out," April said.

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