Chapter 5: New friends new enemies

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EDITED 7-25-14

*Valerie's P.O.V*

My alarm went off, it was my second day of school. I hope this time I won't mess up, like yesterday. I got up and went to brush my hair. I put on some blue skinny jeans, black high top shoes with white polka dots, and a blue tank top with a blue see through shirt that has long sleeves.

I got out of the my apartment and I knew that today I had gym class, I really hate gym class cause you have to run 8 laps, it's not pretty when you get a heart attack.

The bus was coming and I was the first one to on the bus, I sat next to the window. I just sat there and looked out the window. I was wondering if I would meet new friends but probably not, I sighed and just kept on thinking and then my phone rang.

I looked at my phone and it was from my mom. I had 4 missed calls and 32 text messages. I really didn't want to talk to her right now, actually, never. Why should I talked to the woman that abused me for almost 11 years? I was interrupted by a hand tapping my shoulder. I looked at the person and it was just the bus driver.

"You need to get out," He said. I realize that I was the only one left, I guess I was day dreaming to much. I exited the bus and walked into the building. I put my stuff that I didn't need in my locker, then it was time for gym class.


I was running laps and the gym teacher just yelled at us to keep on running. I stopped after 5 laps I couldn't run anymore or I would have a heart attack. I saw a guy stop too, and he didn't look well. He looked like he was going to pass out, I wanted to help him so I walked over to him.

"Hey are you ok?" I asked, with worry riddled in my voice.

"If you mean I'm probably going to pass out soon then yeah, I'm ok." The guy said. I don't want him to pass out and probably end up in the hospital.

"Come on just sit down and calm down," I said with a caring voice. After 4 minutes he looked much better.

"Hey, thanks for helping me." The guy said, I was pretty happy that I helped him.

"Yeah no problem, glad I could help," I said with a smile on my face.

"So, what's your name?" The guy asked.

"Valerie," is all I said.

"I'm Jason," Jason responded.

Jason was pretty cute, he had had a brownish sorta blond curly hair with beautiful blue eyes.

"Hello? are you there?" He asked, waving his hand really close to my face.

"Yeah sorry I was just thinking," I responded with an awkward smile.

"Hey so wha-" Jason got cut of by a girl.

"Hey Jason what's up?" a girl with dyed red hair came up.

"Oh...hey Hannah" Jason said with a 'not interested' voice.

*Jason's P.O.V*

I was talking to Valerie and I wanted to ask her if she wanted to go to a party. I know I just met her but I thought it would be a good idea, she was really pretty, she had long wavy black hair and beautiful green eyes.

"Hey so wha-" before I could finish I got interrupted by a girl calling my name

"Hey Jason what's up." I turned around to see Hannah.

"Oh...hey Hannah." is all I said. Hannah was really annoying, I knew she had a thing for me but I just didn't like her that way. I knew I had to tell her sooner or later that I just don't like her that way and that I just wanted to be friends but I never did.

"Jason, so do-" she stopped and looked at Valerie, " who are you?" Hannah asked Valerie. I know that she was probably jealous.

"I'm Valerie." Valerie said with a shy voice.

*Valerie's P.O.V*

"Hey Jason so do-" Hannah stopped and just looked at me with a glare. "so...who are you?" Hannah asked me, I was kind of scared of her cause she looked at me with evil eyes it was pretty creepy.

"I'm Valerie," is all I said to her.

"Right...anyways, Jason is everything ready for the party?" Hannah asked Jason, I guess there was a party but I was never gonna get invited. I would only get invited so people could make fun of me.

"Yeah, hey Valerie do you wanna come to the party?" I was shocked, did he just invite me to a party? I didn't know what to say.


"Great, I'll text you the address, just give me your number." I gave him my phone number and then gym class was over, I could feel Hannah glaring at me and it felt weird and creepy at the same time. I guess she had a thing for Jason but she didn't need to worry I only liked Jason as a friend.

The only guy here I have met and liked a little was that guy Mitch, I couldn't take my mind of of him. But I knew that I would never have a chance with him, he had a girlfriend. I guess we were never meant to be.


Sorry this chapter was short, hope you guys like my book so far, comment, vote and follow! Bye My sexy cookies!!

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