Chapter 30: The rescue

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*Valerie's P.O.V*

The car stopped, I looked at Mary, Jack and my mother getting the guns out. Jack open the door on his side. He stepped out and walked. My mother did the same, Mary was the only one that stayed with me. I look outside the window to see a red van, then all of a sudden I see Mitch and Jason step out! I was shocked. I was scared and happy at the same time. I looked to see what was happening. "where's Valerie?!" Mitch yelled at Jack. "where's the money?!" Jack yelled back at Mitch.

Then all of a sudden I see Jack pulling out his gun. I look at Mitch's direction to see he's pulling out a gun too. They both point guns to each other. I look at Jason and see that he's staring at my mother. Then my mother pulls out a gun, Jason does too. "Freeze! put you hands up were I can see them!" I hear someone say. I look around a realize there's cops! I look to see my mother putting the gun on the floor and then putting her hands up. I look at Jack, he's just standing there. Then the worst thing that I could possibly have imagine, Jack points the gun at Mitch and then he shots...

(PLAY SAY SOMETHING by:Christina Aguilar)


Then Mitch falls to the ground. My whole body just turned pale. Then jake points the gun at his self, another loud noise goes off...

*Mitch's P.O.V*

I looked at Jack, we were both pointing guns at each other. Then all of a sudden the cops showed up. I looked at Jack just to see him shocked. He wasn't moving at all, then he looks at me and shots. I felt the pain, I looked down at my chest area to see that I was bleeding. I look back at Jack but then my whole world start to faint, then...everything goes back...

*Valerie's P.O.V*

I see cops rushing to help Mitch, others to get Jack and then my mother getting arrested. I look at Mary and she looks shocked, I see the cops opening the door and getting Mary. She gets arrested. The cops come and get me and walk me to Jason and the others. I look to see the ambulance. They pick up Mitch's body and put him on a gurney. My eyes start to tear up, I Look at him one last time just to see that he's bleeding. Then I feel someone graving my waist. I turn around to see it's Jason. "Come on val, let's go to the hospital," Jason says in a calm voice. I get on the van. I look out the window just see the ambulance driving off fast, and the cops behind them. Jason starts the engine and then we drive off to meet up everyone.


I enter the hospital to see Mitch getting rushed. Then I see Jack also getting Rush. I seat down and just start to cry. I feel tears rolling down my face but I don't care. What if I lost him? what would I do? I didn't want to live without him, he was the person that I cared about the most. He took care of me, I just couldn't bare the loose him. As sat there crying, I just had a melt down...


Well that's all guys :) hope you guys love the 2 chapters, I just though "why not give them 2 chapter?" so I did it!

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