Shared Nightmare

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I woke up suddenly. I sensed someone's presence in the room with me. Please. Please, not another nightmare. I tried to find my frying pan, but it wasn't there. Neither was my apron. I have no way of defending myself.

"I-is someone there?" It was that greenish-blue glow. It must be Sans. "Sans, you shouldn't scare me like that. I could have another episode of asthma."

"Sorry, Jess. I was afraid that ya might have another nightmare." His eye ceased to glow when he turned on a nearby lamp.

"I'm glad you're looking out for me, but shouldn't you be sleeping?"

"I can sleep anywhere, any time. Pap's asleep on the couch, since you're sleeping here, and, well, my room has a big hole in the wall."

"Why don't you just take one side of the bed? I can move over if you want to get a little sleep."

"I guess so. Okay." Sans turned off the lamp and he tucked himself in beside me. He fell asleep instantly. I smirked, rolled my eyes, and drifted off.


Into another nightmare.

The demon was back, standing over top of me. I tried to back up, but I couldn't even move. I was chained down to a table.

"Welcome to my torture chamber, Jessey. Comfortable?"

"No." I said sharply. It just gave me a creepy grin. It walked away. I heard something move, and then the table I was lying on started to tilt so I looked like I could stand up. In front of me was a large TV screen.

"What do you see?" It turned the TV on, and I saw Sans strapped to a table like me. His left eye was glowing, darting around the room. Bones were crawling along the walls. Sans stopped and looked directly at me, or the screen. His expression changed when he saw me. He started to struggle without logic, using his energy trying to get out.

"Sans! Sans, are you okay? Please, can you hear me?"

"I hear ya, baby bones. We'll break out, okay?"

"Wow, listen to yourselves. Break out? As if you could get past me. You're too worried about each other that you don't realise your own situations." The lifeless puppet creature clicked two buttons. One turned the TV off, and the other brought Sans into the room. When Sans arrived, the demon left the room through a wall.

"Sans, what's going on?"

"I don't know baby bones. We are going to get out, okay? We'll think of something."

"It's just a nightmare, right?" Sans looked away from me. "Sans? Am I right?"

"Alright, Jessey, choosing time." The demon unstrapped me from my table and handed me a well-crafted knife. "You have to choose who you would rather kill. Sans," it pointed the blade towards him, "Or yourself." It turned it towards my heart. "Your choice."

"Kid, I know ya know that—"

"Quiet, fool! Let them decide." I thought of the pros and cons of each situation. "Well? Who will it be?"

I threw the knife on the ground. "No one. No one should be hurt."

"Foolish. You might think you can do anything, but I'm the one in control." It pushed me in Sans' direction and shoved the knife into my hand. "Do it."

How could I ever hurt Sans? Papyrus would be devastated. I would be devastated. I got closer to the table Sans was laying on. I winked at him, and he seemed to understand what I was trying to do. I drew the knife back, and cut through the chain that restrained his left arm. He destroyed the rest of them. We stood side by side, ready to take down the demon. It just doubled over, laughing.

"You think you can defeat me, just like that? Hee hee." It reached for its dagger that was on its right side. "Think again. I'm always prepared."

They threw the knife at me and I froze from fear. The space between my chest and the blade was closing rapidly. I felt chained to the table again. Right before the knife pierced me, Sans stepped in front of me.

"Sans!" He fell back into my arms. "Sans, you can't leave me." I started to cry as red came from his chest.

"Hey, baby bones, it's okay." He wiped some of the tears away from my eyes. "Look out for Pap, alright?" Sans was slowly turning to dust.

"You have to stay, Sans! For Pap, for me! What will I do without you here?"

"Ya survived before. Do it again." I tried hugging what was left of him, yet he was almost a pile of ashes.

I screamed.

"Sans, you can't have gone! Come back to us!"

"Baby bones, you okay?" I saw Sans and his glowing eye. I snapped out of it. I tackled him in an enormous hug. He was a little startled, but returned the hug. "Don't worry, it was just a nightmare."


"I know. I was there, too." We let our tears pour out, speechless.

Please, Kindly Stay with MeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ