So, Why Are You Here?

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Dust billowed off of the quiet road as the large bus drew closer. Audrey's  heart beat a little faster than usual as she watched it approach. The small bus station, all but abandoned except for her presence, seemed to reflect light in all directions. Audrey drew in another rickety breath as she straightened, pulling her suitcase ever closer to her side. 

The muddy white  bus screeched to a halt in front of Audrey, and she took a slight step back, minding the creaky doors as they opened. The bus driver was a middle aged man, red and sweaty. He heaved himself up and offered Audrey a curt nod and a small smile as he walked down the steps. Audrey tucked her hair behind her ears nervously as he approached. "The big suitcase has to go under, sweetheart." He told her, opening the hatch at the side of the bus, where a few other suitcases where already thrown. 

Without waiting for her response, the bus driver grabbed Audrey's suitcase and threw it in with the others. "You taking that on with you?" He asked, signalling to Audrey's bulky backpack. Audrey pulled it tighter on her shoulders, gripping it with some intensity. "Yes," She paused, "Please.

Following Audrey onto the bus, the driver took her ticket as he sat. Handing her a pamphlet he said, "I assume you read about this route online, but all the info is in there. If you possibly have any other questions, they'll have to wait until the next stop." Audrey nodded along to his words. He smiled a tired smile at her, "Now, go take a seat." 

The bus was far from packed, and there were a few rows totally free. Audrey searched the seats for a comfortable place as she walked forward, slowly. Her eyes locked on the back row, a full seven seats. She smiled and marched herself forward, until she reached the back. In one corner, she noticed with disappointing surprise, was a boy. 

He didn't take up too much space, crammed in that corner, in a hoodie and silently reading a book. Audrey shrugged and took the other corner, letting out a relieved sigh as she sat and finally dropped her heavy backpack in the seat beside her. 

The bus doors creaked closed and the bus lurched forward. The stiff green fur of the bus seating already grated on Audrey, but she decided not to think about it. This was route 173 after all, the only bus route that went across the entirety  of America. And she was going to be on it for two weeks.                                             


The bus ride was long and boring. The view at that moment was nothing but a blur of green trees and the occasional cloud of dust. What had it been? An hour? Audrey took out her earbuds, ears aching slightly from listening too long to music. She lulled her head over to look around inside the bus. The boy beside her hadn't moved. She wondered if he had, in fact, died, when another page turned in his book. 

Audrey couldn't help it. She scowled. Someone being so silent was deafening. Maybe she had been spoiled, her Mother always chatty, always asking questions, humming, singing. Audrey was so used to talking, and she hadn't realized it until this moment. Just talking to someone, just chatting. She'd never been much of a reader, and WIFI wasn't an option... 

Pulling herself up slightly, Audrey scanned the heads in front of her. All men. Just her luck. Slumping back down in her seat, she tried to catch the eye of the only person who had to be around her age. After a minute, a page flipped and he still hadn't looked up. Audrey rolled her eyes. 

"Hey." She said, her voice surprisingly quiet. Suddenly, the boys eyes flicked up to her. Dark eyes, darker than she had maybe ever seen. She tried not to focus on them. "I'm Audrey." She added, moving two seats closer to him. Expectantly, she waited on an answer. 

The boy shifted his sneaker feet closer into himself. "Um, I'm Eli." His voice was hesitant and hoarse, like he hadn't used it in years. "Nice to meet you." Audrey flashed a bright smile, but Eli simply nodded and looked back down to his book. 

It felt juvenile, this itch. It was in the pit of her stomach. It was him, she wanted to talk to him. She wanted to see his eyes again. Messy golden blonde hair fell in front of his face as his eyebrows crinkled in concentration. Audrey bit her lip, "How old are you?" She felt like a 10 year old. Who asked a question like that at her age? 

Eli looked up again, fingers tapping the back of his book, "Uh- um, I'm 18." He stumbled quietly. Audrey smiled softly, "Me too! What a coincidence, huh?" 

"I guess." 

She had to keep this conversation alive. While he was still at attention. "Well, where are you going?" She decided to ask. 

Eli shifted slightly, moving to sit normally on his seat. "New York." 

"Wow, you're in it for the long haul." Audrey said, tucking her hair behind her ears. He watched her carefully, then looked away. "What about you?" He asked hesitantly. 

"Ohio. Which is still far." There was a leap in Audrey's heart as he asked her a question. A swelling of pride. Though she wasn't sure if she was proud of him or herself. A minute of uneasy silence passed, "Do your parents know you're going so far from home?" She asked. 

The deep frown that got thrown her way told Audrey she had asked the wrong question. That's what three years only really talking to your Mom gets you, she thought as she fiddled her fingers. "Do your parents know that you're going so far?" He asked pointedly, making Audrey's cheeks flush. Surprised and slightly amused at his tone, Audrey raised an eyebrow and stared right into his deep, dark eyes. He broke her unfaltering eye contact, looking at the sticky bus floor. 

"No, they don't." She admitted as he looked at the floor, "Your turn." 

A small smile crept onto his face. A small breath almost like a laugh escaped his nose. "No," He opened up his book again, "My parents don't know I'm here." 

So why are you here? The question stayed in her head, as she wasn't prepared to answer that question herself. Instead, she made herself comfortable with the silence, staying a seat away from Eli, putting her earbuds back in, and occasionally watching his brows crinkle as he read.

(A/N: Hello, and welcome to this story! I'm not great at Authors Notes. but, I feel like I should warn everyone that this story deals with some serious topics and issues. I hope you like it, and thanks so much for reading! Please, feel free to message any questions, or comment whatever you'd like. I'm very appreciative of any feedback! Thanks again, and I hope you keep reading. xxx)

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