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I woke up in a lab, chained to an operation table. I struggled beneath the cuff's weights, hoping I'd get freed. No such luck. I looked around, staring at the mirror walls, obviously one-way. A section of the door opened, and a blonde man walked through. One that I'd recognize in a milisecond.


I struggled even more desperately, watching the scientist slowly walk up to me. He smirked maliciously, now looming over me.
"Where's Rythian?" I yelled in his face, startling him a bit.
"Oh, I didn't need him. I was more interested in you." He replied. I narrowed my eyes, not believing him.
"Anyway, someone called Sjin took him." He whispered, not expecting me to hear it.
"I did hear that, you know." I told him. He cursed under his breath. But, soon turned to me.
"I have an idea!" He yelled. I looked at him expectantly. Bad guys always tell the heros their plan.
"I'm going to show you to everyone, everywhere. Starting with Sips and Sjin." He grinned evilly. I didn't know what was so bad about that, I mean, meeting everyone? Ha, that's got me quaking in my boots. He obviously saw my look of 'really? Are you that scary?' and added:
"And show them what's behind that mask."
My eyes widened. They couldn't see... no... They'd think- no, scrap that, know I'm a monster!


I was outside a factory, tied up and gagged. There was no point struggling, and believe me, I have tried everything. Including magic.

"SJIN! SIPS! I HAVE SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU!" Duncan yelled. A minute later, two men came from a brick building with mahogany doors. A pale skinned man with black hair and a space-suit and a more of a tanned man with a brown beard came into view, and I wondered who was who.

"Right, I know you have Rythian," Duncan began, obviously noticing the fact that the men didn't see me, "But I'm not going to take him from you. You know why? I got my own version." He pulled me into the men's view and they gasped. Duncan un-gagged me, obviously to show them my mask, and I took my chance.

"Give me back my brother." I ordered.

"Brother?" Duncan asked. I thought he knew, but perhaps I could use this to my advantage.

"Yes, dimwit. Brother. I thought you knew. Let me go before this gets out of hand." I told him darkly, my cobalt blue eyes turning a shade darker. He seemed slightly shaken up, but not afraid. He reached for the cover hiding my greatest secret. He lifted it up, and finally seeing it for the first time, all of them gasped. A sea blue colour stretched across my cheek, making my scars stand out. I was a monster, and my mystery was revealed. Sips and Sjin, or Sjin and Sips, got out their weapons. I squinted, dreading what would happen.

The next few minutes were filled with pain. Cuts and bruises filled my body and I was black and blue, but they still carried on. On and on and on.

"Rythian! RYTHIAN!" I yelled desperately, hoping he'd hear me.

No luck.

Finally, they stopped. The pain stopped. I stopped.

It stopped.

Muriel - A yogscast fanfic (Mostly Rythian Though)Where stories live. Discover now