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I went up to the door and knocked four times. After a while, I heard a voice shout from upstairs.

"Rythian! You could just open the door! It's your home too!" A girl yelled. I smiled and knocked again, louder this time. A sigh came from the other side and the door creaked open. I was met with a shocked face.

"I'm here to see my brother." I stated simply. The girl just seemed more shocked.

"Rythian?" I asked, seeing if she knew who he was, and she snapped back into reality.

"Oh yeah, sorry hi! Umm, my name's Zoey and this is Blackrock Castle and don't be afraid of the dinosaur!" She beamed, hardly pausing throughout. I just looked at her, shell-shocked.

"You seem quite the opposite of Rythian." I told her, trying to peer inside.

"Yes, he's all like mystery quiet angry when I'm all happy bubbles mushrooms!" She beamed yet again. I don't know how she does it.

"Mushrooms?" I asked, confused.

"Yes, mushrooms! They're the most wondertastically supercalafragilisticexpialladocios thing in the world!" She smiled, letting me in. I stepped on the plush red carpet (Forgive me if I'm wrong, this is based on memory because I haven't seen Blackrock in a while - A/N) and looked around. It looked fairly... nice. Zoey led me into a okay-ish sized room, equipped with a bed with blue covers, a dresser, a bathroom and a mirror.

"This is the guest room, if you're staying overnight." She stated simply, quite unlike her character. Confused, I wondered what occurred her sudden change in mood. We moved along, when I heard the door knock.

"RYTHIAN!" She yelled, bounding off to the door. I shook my head and sighed, in a jokingly fashion and followed the excited puppy of a girl.

"Well, guess who's here! She was asking for you..." Zoey babbled on from outside the living room.

"She's just in here..." I heard her again. My heart was beating at a million beats per second. Was he going to accept me? Will he turn me away? Would he... forget me? The door opened, and soon all my questions would be answered.

"He did THAT to you!?" I exclaimed, looking at my brother. I couldn't be near him... not because he was a monster, it's just that water and ender don't mix.

"What?" He stumbled back, surprised, "Who are you?"

When he said those words, my heart sank rock-bottom. He... didn't know me? All the times we had spent together, he didn't remember? All the happy days? All the sad ones?


"The forest is beautiful in the autumn!" I exclaimed, my 5 year-old self kicking up piles of leaves and jumping in the remains. Lucas laughed in the background.

"Remember, mum said to keep your clothes clean!" He snorted as I started spreading muddy war-paint across my cheeks. I ignored his protests, jumping in puddles, splashing everything within a two meter distance.

"Oi!" He chuckled as the spray hit him. I giggled and ran off, shouting:

"Chase me! Chase me!"

And he did. We ran through the bracken, through the bushes and through the trees. We ran until we were out of breath, and we still ran afterwards. We ran back to our house, panting and grinning.


"Lucas...?" I pleaded, "Please say you remember me!" Rythian thought for a moment.

"I only know three people who'd call me that, and two of them are dead..." He thought for a moment, then it dawned on him.

"Chelsea...?" He asked, bewildered. I nodded, crying slightly. My face fell, though, when I remembered.

"We can't touch each-other... because... remember the day when we turned... well, um... you're an enderborn and... I'm a waterborn." I whispered. His face twisted in anger.

"He did that on purpose... THE BASTARD!" He yelled, banging his fist on the wall. That was when I noticed his mask. I don't know why I couldn't see it earlier, but I didn't. It reminded me of something... it reminded me of... my mask?

"Lucas?" Zoey asked, confused.

"That was my old name, then I changed it... sort of." He replied, looking away.

"Sort of?" She wondered.

"When... we turned into hybrids, we were assigned new names. No-one said it to us, we just... knew." He told her. "Speaking of which, what's yours?" He turned to me.

"Muriel." I answered. I suppose I didn't think about it, but I quite liked my name. Suddenly, an arrow wizzed past me. I tried to look over to where it came from, but three more were zooming towards us. I realised what, or who, it was aiming for, and I took action.

"MOVE!" I yelled, but it was too late. They had hit all of us.

"Shit... they're blowdarts..." I murmured, before I fell out of conscious.

Muriel - A yogscast fanfic (Mostly Rythian Though)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant