Muriel - A yogscast fanfic (Mostly Rythian Though)

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It all seems so hazy to remember, but some parts were as clear as day. I was walking with my older brother, on our way to gather something, I cannot remember, when something attacked us. I was around 5 or 6, and he was around 12 or13, so I wasn't well prepared, however, my brother sliced at the thing, only for another one to creep up behind him.

"BEHIND YOU!" I yelled, and he spun round, cutting the creature's eyes. Somehow I remember the eyes the clearest. They bore into your soul and dug itself into your memory, as if I was a piece meat being torn into tiny chunks by a savage dog. After I saw the horrific sight I clamped my eyes shut, hoping it would all end. I was greeted by something grabbing my shoulders and pulling me away.

"LUCAS!" I cried for my brother. He charged at the creature, but another one grabbed him too.

"CHELSEA!" He yelled after me. The only thing I remember after that is a room full of machines and my brother drinking a potion. The only thing I know now is that I'm looking for my brother and I'm a waterborn. But the weird thing is, my name's Muriel, not Chelsea.

Muriel - A yogscast fanfic (Mostly Rythian Though)Where stories live. Discover now