I Love You

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Love you."  "I may possibly even love you and we've never been on dates, or anything we've only kissed and I liked you before then,that kiss just made me want you more." I said in rush.

"My name isn't Ms. Brianna "I know everything" Parks like come on you could have said something better than that playboy." She said looking quite amused.

I look at her with unbelievable eyes. After I- "THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY TO ME!!!!!!! After I stand here and tell you how I feel that's all you have to say to me really?!!!! I thought you fuckin died and was about to blame myself because I wasn't paying attention when holly kissed me.

I wished today things would have been better for us 'cause I was going to tell you how I feel finally. I came here to see if you were alright and to tell you that I love you and I want to make things work....but..all...you...could...say.....was "that isn't my name" are you kidding me right now.

I bet you're laughing at me on the inside saying,"He loves me? Ha....I don't love him what an idiot. I can't to crush his heart." Well if you don't love me I get it. No need for you to hurt me anymore than you already did. I'm out! You can stay in here by yourself you heartless bitch." I said as I walked out as tears threatened to escape. I will not show weakness, I will not show weakness, I will not show weakness I kept chanting to myself.

I ran out of the hospital and hopped in my car and went to get a couple drinks and called the guys up to come over my house. I stopped at the liquor store a block away from my house and bought me some tequila, ciroc, gin, patron, and any thing strong.

When I made it to my house I went upstairs and put on some sweats and no shirt and waited for the guys to get her. When the guys made it they brung along more drinks and girls in bikini's. "Sup man....what's up with the call?" Mike said.

"Don't wanna talk about it I just want to drink and lose myself." "......ok" mike said. I turned on the music and turned it up on loud. Did I mention that I went to my house in the woods? No? Well now you know.

I popped open a bottle of ciroc and I was a little tipsy but no where near being drunk. "Hey baby." Holly said.

"What do you want holly?" I asked annoyed.

"I have something to say and that I'm sorry that I kissed you earluer but I couldn't help it." She said nervous? Why is she so nervous?

"Say it and its ok it's already over with." I said.

"I Want You and I know you don't want me but I want you because I love you believe it or not. I know I fuck alot of guys but when I screw them I think of you. I've always wanted you, we're a great couple together. The only reason I became a slut is because I knew if I loved someone again like how I lived you I wouldn't have to try hard to get their attention all I have to do is look slutty and they'll come running after me. I had to find a way to get you to notice me back when I was the good girl back at cabot but nothing worked because you didn't even take a glance at me, but if you just......just give me a chance you'll see for yourself that I really want to be with you." She said as her eyes got watery.

Oh God I don't know what to do it's too much. I did like her at first and I feel bad that I made her turn into a slut. Ugggh I might regret this later but I don't care anymore.

"Ok....I'll give you a chance." I said as my lips threatened to turn up into a smile.

"Thank you thank you, you won't regret it I promise." She said as she kissed me.

I took a couple shots of a mix of patron and tequila and then......I was definetely drunk. Pretty much everybody was having a good time and I sure was too with my girl.

There was going to be a  twist in the story and here it is and in the next chapter also. There will be 3 or 5 more chapters after this then it'll be THE END since I don't really know what else to do with this book but I hope you like the outcome of it.

Got a semester test to take today for algebra 2 then I'm done for the rest if the day and I wrote this up real fast last night. I hope you guys liked this chapter because I had fun writing it. I made some adjustments to one of my chapters to write this.

Song Of The Day is.....(drum roll).....Gotta Be Somebody by Nickelback.




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