I Saw Her Hurt Look

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I wore something different today for brianna, hoping that she'll like it.

I went downstairs ate really fast and kissed my mom and dad on the cheek. "Bye you guys, I Love You." I said happily with a joker smile on my face.

"What drugs do you think he's on Bill?" I heard my mom say.

"I don't know, maybe crack sarah I'm not sure. He's your son." My dad said.

"Oh hush."

"I'm not on any drugs you guys,I'm just saying I Love You."

"Mhmm." They said in unison.

"Bye." I say and walk out of the door and hopped in my car. I drove to school in 10 minutes.

I got out my car and walked to the tree that's right by where brianna parks. I was just sitting there until some hoe,more specifically, Holly comes walking over. I don't get why she turned into a slut after she left Cabot. I've always had a crush on her but looking at the new holly I'm disgusted.

"Hey sexy what are you doing? You look bored, You wanna go do something?"

"Waiting on my soon-to-be-girl that's not you and no thanks I'd rather do things with her. So goodbye." I say harshly. Wow it felt good to call brianna my soon to be. I finally decided to go for it and even if she rejects me....I know that I told her how I felt.

While I was talking to myself I guess holly said something then all of a sudden I felt her lips on mine. I was to shocked to do anything until my eyes landed on brianna. Oh shit I said and pushed holly away and she fell on the ground.

I was going to stop brianna and explain but she was already driving off.

"SHIT." I said. "Fuck." I yelled. I messed up big time. I hope she'll hear me out when I explain. I hope she slows down too, she was driving really fast when she left.

I saw her hurt look when she left, so I know how she feels...well felt about me. Uggggh stupid bimbo's always got to fuck shit up.

I hope you guys liked this chapter because there will be some big stuff happening in the next chapter and

Quick Note:Don't hate me,but then you'll probably love me again.

Song of the day is.......(Drum Roll)......Under and Over It by Five Finger Death Punch





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