Cave 3

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Well after more strugglin' I fell right through into the cave, well I supposed it was a cave, it was dark and I was layin' on my back, my ankle was still inside the crack I'd fallen through, so I just laid there pantin' and wishin' I hadn't bothered, although it was nice and cool, not cold, but anyways it was like layin' on the beach or on soft springy grass like on a lawn and closin' your eyes and just hearin' buzzin' bees and a dronin' overhead plane, don't know why I thought that, it was just nice.

It just came into my head. I guess it made me feel better, a bit sleepy too. In fact, very sleepy, maybe it was the hot climb, but I turned over onto my stomach after freein' my foot an' tried to look into the dark, it was black, but I thought I could hear somethin', like a hum, or somethin', anyways I crawled away from the crack, there was a breeze blowin' in and I found the floor pretty smooth, some small stones and rocks but nothin' much.

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