Not My Time

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Laying on my mom's bed
With her as she
Chatted via skype with
A "gifted healer"
Family member

Anything to get me up
The illness making me
Immobile even more then
I was

I stopped breathing
Voices starts to sound
Like buzzing
Eyes glazed over

How long passed in that world?
Who was counting?

Cousin got frightened
As my face went sheet white
Mom slapped my cheeks
Calling my name

I heard
None of it
I wasn't there
Yet I was

Felt my soul
Start to leave my body
And I wanted it too
I wanted to go so badly

Tired of this mortal coil
That reduced me to a mere shell
Of my former self
Nothing valuable to come of it

But then there was a halt
As if the heavens above
Were playing a soccer match
And someone called a time out

It was
Not my time
They said
My angels appeared
No I couldn't come

My soul rushed back
Cemented into place
And I drew in a deep breath
As I started to cry

I was back inside my body
For what purpose?
Why wasn't I allowed to leave
This ill-ridden vessel?

Declaring war meant fighting
So hard that you break
So why wasn't it my time?
I found all of that out
The next day

***Continue on to Rebirth (book 4)***

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