Death Doesn't Discriminate (Finale)

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   It hurt. Jasper stood over her, his silver eyes dim with sadness. She couldn't speak.

   She tried to get him to stop. It hurt. It hurt. It hurt.

   Can't breathe. Try to breathe. 

   Vision dimming.

   Mind racing. 

   Stop, please.

   Everything is black.

   It hurt.

   Blood trickled from her wounds, they stung like fire.

   Her heartbeat was so loud. It was beating slowly and irregularly; she was dying.


   She was freezing. She couldn't move. 

   Death reached out her hand, her eyes solemn as they stared at each other... And Delilah took it.

   Death had welcomed her into her icy grip, but her soul stood before her, patches of faint gray standing out through all the inky black. It yanked her away from eternal peace and forced her to open her eyes to fire.

   Everything was on fire. Delilah looked up to see Jasper walking away. She felt rage, she could feel her teeth sharpen from the emotion. He did this to her. She was almost gone. She was going to rest with her mother. No more pain, no nightmares. But he selfishly yanked her back from death and she didn't want it.

   Delilah closed her eyes and sunk into the deep black of the void.

Her Shadow, Watching.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz