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     Jasper sighed, watching Delilah sleep. She was.. Peaceful. Jasper remembered sleep, he remembered the fog that came over you. And just pure peace. He closed his eyes and willed all his power into a human form. His matter compacted together, making the shape of a human. Then, poof, he was his normal shadow self again.

    It would make things easier if he were in a human form. People would stop looking at her as if she were insane. But, Jasper knew better. She was more intelligent. then all those other kids. She's seen too much to be a child.

     He needed a soul. He smiled. He hadn't gone hunting since Delilah was two. He was getting tired of the emptiness inside him. And he was starved.. Once, Jasper nearly lost control. And he wished to watch a humans face as their life flickered before them.

    Jasper lingered in an alleyway, waiting for some useless bum to walk by. And his waiting was over. Some guy hidden deep in his hoodie entered. Jasper held out a talon as his form turned to a solid. No need for introductions!

   Jasper tapped him on the shoulder, and the man turned, flipping out a switchblade. Jasper chuckled as his eyes glinted pure white, like flames. The man screamed, backing up. Jasper walked forward as the man slashed at him. Though the mortal weapon phased through him.

   "My.. My.. Humans' have gotten stupider over the years.." He clicked his tongue and shook his head.  The human screamed, and tried to back away from the monster.

   "H-HELP!" He yelled. Jasper chuckled evilly, watching the human start to breath heavily from fear. Finally, Jasper had enough of the humans screaming. He wrapped his hand around the man's throat, watching the slick skin turn red, then blue under his strong hands.

   The man clawed at his throat, drips of blood leaking onto Jaspers spectral being. He kicked and wriggled, Jasper giggled a bit, his canines glinted in the moonlight as the mans soul glowed faintly in his chest.

   A faint soul darkened with greed. Humans are curious creatures, always preaching about making life better for everyone. But really, they just want it for themselves. They are restless beings, always dreaming about "a better Earth." When they are slowly destroying it, just by existing. 

   Jasper ended the poor human's life and just ripped his soul out. Jasper felt the darkness in the soul enter his being, and his shadow form rippled from the power. He felt so powerful.

   Jasper appeared in Delilah room, and quickly checked her over. She was alive, no one touched her, She opened her eyes as her being alert by his magical form appearing. She gave him a sleepy smile and rubbed her eyes.

   "Hmm... Hiya, Jasper." She whispered, Jasper smiled down at her. She made him feel different. While watching that man made him feel so powerful. Being around her made him repress his true power. And he didn't know why. He often made contracts, and he didn't care about them at all. Hell, once he even killed the person he made a contract with because they annoyed him.

   "Miss Delilah." He greeted her coolly, she sat up and looked at him. Her brown hair was sticking straight up and she straightened her pink nightgown. "You should be asleep."

   She wrinkled her nose and put a hand out, reaching out for him. "You feel.. Different." His eyes narrowed in confusion.

   "You can feel me?" Of course, Jasper knew that she's been exposed to the Supernatural since she was an infant. But he never imagined her picking up on some of it. It wasn't uncommon, just strange to him.

  "It's like a tingling feeling in my stomach, I remember my friends mom; Cathy. Said she could feel a.. presence. A bad one. You made her very sick." Jasper remembered that, he watched in amusement as the lady turned twine in attempt to get rid of him.

  They didn't work. They never work. Though twine does smell unpleasant. Nothing could really kill a demon without a form. Humans simply make these things up so they can feel as if they were in control of something no one can control. The Lady even got sick, said she had a migraine and started vomiting. Let's just say that was very amusing for Jasper to watch.

  "Does it make you feel ill, Delilah?" Jasper felt slightly worried for the child, he didn't want his mere presence to make her sick.

 "No, I like it. I like it when you're here, Jasper." Things got quiet, Jasper sat in the rocking chair and picked up a book he stole from a library. Jane Eyre. Delilah's 11 year old curiosity kicked in. "What do you call someone who can sense ghosts?" Jasper looked up at her, then went back to reading.

  "Clairsentient." His tone was bored.

 "What's that mean?" She chewed on her bottom lip.

 "I'll tell you if you stop chewing on your lip, it's a horrid habit." Delilah stopped and looked down at her hands.

 "Did you go out and hurt someone, Jasper?" She mumbled, her eyes gloomy. Jasper didn't know what to say. He didn't want to lie to her, so he didn't.


  "Oh." She laid down on the bed and curled away from him. He could hear her cry and it made him feel very strange. 

Her Shadow, Watching.Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum