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     Thoughts of disgust ran through their mind as they watched Jaifianuhn trail that repulsive human around. Talking to them, protecting them, being nice to them. The girl- Delilah -her soul was pulsing brightly in their demonic hunting vision. They wondered how he could stand being around such a pure soul..

    They just wanted to rip their claws down her throat and watch her beg for her worthless life before they rip it from her.. Then they'd devour the soul and taste some of that beautiful crimson life force humans seem to be full of.

   They quietly listened to the girl chatter on about some boy at school while Jaifianuhn listened, nodded once or twice. 

   "And Jasper, he seriously spits a SPITBALL at me! But don't you dare scare him!" She gave him a pointed look, Jaifianuhn tilted his shadowy head at the young girl. She looked back at him.

   "And why shouldn't I? I was told to end anyone who gives you trouble, like that Jimmy boy." He replied. Delilah giggled, her cheeks heating up a light pink.

   "He's... Kinda cute." She muttered. Jaifianuhn humored Delilah with a wry smile.

   "So you feel romantic feelings towards the bloke?" Jaifianuhn grinned, his form fluttered like a kite caught in the breeze. Delilah covered her face with her hands and groaned loudly in embarrassment. "I'm not surprised. When I was a child, I was to be married at twelve."

   "You got married at Twelve, Jasper!?" She yelped. Jasper laughed.

   They growled with anger. Did she seriously give him a pet name? They never thought 'Jasper' would become a demonic lap-dog before. They remembered he wasn't the one to feast off just any soul. But to get a contract? How pitiful.

  They kept following them from afar, an obsession blooming as they set a goal.

  Her soul must be theirs.


   Delilah internally screamed as Jasper tried to use parenting tips from mom magazines he's seen. He was so embarrassing sometimes. 

   "Well. In Working mom it says to encourage your child to explore their.. Sexuality. So." He cleared his throat, "Are you homosexual, dear?" Delilah blushed even deeper.

   "NO, JASPER. I AM AS STRAIGHT AS..." She looked around for anything straight... The tree isn't... The bench over there has a curve. Ah, the flag pole. "THAT FLAG POLE." She pointed at it. He narrowed his white eyes and they lit up a light red as he scanned it.

   "It's actually not perfectly straight."

   "JASPER!" She yelled, everyone in the park looked at her. But Delilah was used to it. Jasper laughed loudly, sadly only she could hear him. Jasper patted her head softly as his laughter slowly fade into little giggles.

   "Ah. Missus Delilah. You're like the daughter I never wanted." He joked. Delilah narrowed her eyes and sent him a pointed glare, it annoyed her when he acted like he was her father. 

   "And you're the dad I don't want. I don't even know my dad." She grumbled, Jasper closed his eyes and stayed silent for the time being. He sighed as he noticed tears filling her blue eyes. He decided to comfort her.

   "You don't remember your mother... But I do, Missus Delilah." Jasper sighed as Delilah looked at him with sad eyes, "She... Made a contract with me. To follow you throughout life... For exchange of her soul." 

    "Did... Did you kill her?" She murmured, ducking her head. Her hair covered her face like a veil. Jasper didn't know how to answer this in a way that didn't hurt her.

    "Yes. I devoured her soul." He decided to be blunt. Delilah wiped her tears and looked at him.

    "Do I look like her?" She gave him a small smile, tears drifting down her small face. He hesitated again before nodding.

    "Yes.. You have her eyes. And her soul color... Let me show you." Jasper put his hand on her chest and they seemed to slip into a void. He disappeared and she was falling. The light was growing farther and farther away. She opened her mouth to scream.

   "Don't scream. I got you, dear." His voice echoed around the void, her soul was the only light in the dark, it glowed a bright white. He seemed to sigh happily, "Your soul glows brightly with purity, my dear Delilah."

   "Do you not have a soul, Jasper?" Her voice was quiet in comparison to Jasper's. His silhouette could be faintly seen in the pure darkness. He chuckled darkly and floated closer to her.

   "Allow me to teach you something.. My dear Delilah... Demons are made of a few things.. Darkness and... Well, we're just masses of darkness and hatred." Jasper explained it much like a teacher or a professor. "Much like an angel. Our souls lack color." He held his hands out and an orb glowed in his chest.

   Black and grey, pulsing dimly against the dark void.

   "What color is an angels soul?" Delilah asked, floating aimlessly around. He hummed at the thought of a nice, pure soul.

   "White." He crooned, "One of the best souls to devour.." His teeth glowed as they sharpened. Delilah was starting to feel.. Weird. A weight was added onto her shoulders and she felt weak as her vision blurred.

   Flashes of voices in her head, "Is she okay!?" A siren was interrupting her chat with Jasper.

    Delilah reached out for Jasper, an uneasy feeling blossoming in her gut. He reached out for her, his claws about to grasp her pale hand.. Until she was yanked back into the darkness. It covered her like ink as it started to stain her soul from the inside out.

   "Delilah! Hang in there!"

   "I can't find a pulse!"

   "Delilah!" Jasper yelled. Cruel ruby eyes glared at her, sending a shiver through out her entire being. It seemed like thousands of freezing hands were touching her, dragging her into the darkness.

    A scream tore from her throat as they dug into her pure skin, crimson blood poured out of the wounds and dripped. The dark hands seemed to like it and they ripped at her flesh in a frenzy to find more color in this black and white world.

   "You'll never see her again." A females voice echoed through the darkness. She watched as a dimly lit hand was held up, and red strings trapped her soul, yanking her away from Jasper. The pain went through her being as visible hands touched her face. "My adorable little puppet.." 

   Everything faded to white.

Her Shadow, Watching.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن