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    Delilah opened her eyes to whiteness. She was floating limply as her soul glowed in her chest, filling her with warmth. An outline appeared and Cyan eyes glared into her blue eyes. The figure flicked her wrist and black strings tightened around her soul, sending signals of pain throughout her entire being.

   "Hello.. Delilah, is it?" A melodic voice echoed around the void. "I see you're 'Jaspers' owner." Delilah struggled to speak as suddenly the voice came from behind her. 

   "W-Who.. Who are you?" Delilah rasped, the voice giggled evilly.

   "I've gone by so many names.. Sadly I've forgotten it.." The voice went quiet, then squealed. "Ooh! Pick me a name!" Delilah's eyes widened in surprise as the.. Thing walked around her. All she could see was a female figure.

   "O-Oh! Uhm!" Delilah tried to come up with a name, the strings on her soul tightened and she screamed. Blood trickled from her nose as a popping sound echoed in her head. Her soul cracked, making her writhe and scream in agony.

    "What is my name?" The females voice turned demented as Delilah's world started to fade to black. Delilah gasped, blood trickling out of her mouth as her soul bent under the strings tight grip. She felt as if her entire being was going to break into pieces.

    "Zaira!" She spluttered, the strings on her soul loosened and most of the pain disappeared. The figure tilted her head at Delilah, thinking deeply about the name.

    "I don't like that name.. About about.. Elsie Mae, Puppet?" She asked, Delilah just shrugged. The strings tightened again. "Is Elsie Mae a good name, puppet?" She repeated. Delilah yelped loudly in response to the pain

   "Y-Yes! Elsie Mae is a beautiful name.. Elsie." Delilah stuttered, trying to smile at Elsie. 

   "No.. No, I don't like it either." 

   Delilah was starting to get frustrated with his harlots demented game. The girl laughed at her face as it scrunched up in anger. She grabbed Delilah's face and glared into her eyes.

   "What beautiful eyes, puppet.. I like 'em! I oughta claw them out and keep them for myself." All Delilah could see was a pale shadow with cyan eyes and a smile. It seemed more solid then Jasper, and it was shaped like a female, not like a blob. 

   Delilah shook in fear.

   "Ah, you're frightened.." The mistresses voice softened, "I.. I like to pretend I've never felt it... Though, it does feel good to be the cause of another creatures fear.. Isn't it, Dear?"

   "Yeah! Yeah! I love making other people scared!" Delilah nodded like a bobble-head, the mistress laughed at how submissive she was. 

   "Heehee.." She giggled, "You are a cutie, Delilah. Though.. You did seem like a smart girl, you've managed to wrap a murderous demon around your little finger." The demon wiggled her fingers and the strings wrapped around Delilah's entire body.

    "Murderous.. Heh.. I'm still alive, aren't I? And.. And Jasper will save me, I know it!" Delilah winced as the strings cut into her already wounded skin. Elsie sighed and watched her with a mix of jealousy and admiration. Delilah lowered her eyes to her feet as the strings were loosened. She snapped her gaze to the demoness.

     "You really care for that.. Monster, Delilah?" The voice muttered. Delilah nodded. "You're such an idiot. Humans have gotten stupider and stupider.." She shook her dead in denial.

   "Jasper will save me!" Delilah repeated. "He's a good person!"

   "My name is LAYNE!" She roared at Delilah.


    Jasper's eyes widened as Delilah disappeared into the darkness. The void disappeared and he was in the mortal realm. It was dark, night-time. He growled as his form went aflame with pure anger and hatred.

   He threw a tantrum, ripping apart the park. Trees were thrown, organisms died the moment he wrapped his claws around them. He roared loudly, his silver eyes bursting into flame. His Delilah.. Was gone. Another thing stolen from him.

    The image of the hands grabbing her and tugging her deeper into the void flashed before him, her eyes darkening as her soul absorbed the darkness like a sponge. He opened his eyes once he calmed himself and looked at the aftermath of his anger.

   The park was in flames, burning everything in it's path. A silhouette stood in the middle of the fire, it waved at him. 

   "Jasper!" The voice called, he narrowed his eyes at it before his eyes widened.

   "De-Delilah!" He rushed towards the figure, looking into those sky-blue eyes he adored, "How did you escape the void.. In one piece, very impressive, Delilah." She smiled at him. But something was different, her smile felt more twisted.

   "Jasper... I missed yo-!" Blood trickled out of her mouth as he plunged his claws through her chest. She smiled as blood bubbled in her mouth as she tried to speak.

   "Hello Missus.. Heh.." He chuckled, his eyes foggy. "I've forgotten what name you go by." Delilah's body disappeared and another shadow figure stood before him, her smile also bright in her form.

   "Ah. I still go by Layne."

   "It's quite idiotic to go by your old name, Missus Layne"

  "It's not as idiotic as the name 'Jasper.' She might as well get you a collar, puppy-dog." She moved closer to him, her voice lowering seductively, "I honestly don't know what you see in her... She's not as good looking.." He shoved her away.

   "You're disgusting. She is a human.. A young human. And I... I'm a monster." Jasper's form shrunk as he admitted it. He was a demon. A monster. He was made to kill and destroy.. Why was he even following a contract?

   "No, you're disgusting," Layne contradicted him, "at least I don't get attached to some human like you, Jaifianuhn." He winced as she said his full name.. "You may think it's.. Attachment, but you're just colorblind. She's the only color you've seen in this world, huh?"

   Jasper was speechless. For once, Layne the harlot was correct about something. He didn't love her, he was just obsessed with her smile.. And her jokes.. How she usually looked at everything with a smile, even after he told her that he killed her mother.

   He laughed, one single bark. He was feeling a strange emotion.. Sadness.

   "You've killed her, right? I smell her blood on you, Missus Layne." His voice was flat. 


   "Why are you keeping her then?" He raised a nonexistent eyebrow. She shrugged.

   "I dunno." Then she disappeared. But that was okay. Jasper needed a moment to think about his feelings anyway.

   Who was Delilah to him, anyway?

~A~N:  Hey. It's actually 5:00 AM, and I usually write at night since I suffer from extreme insomnia. This chapter may or may not make sense. I proofread it, fixed stupid mistakes. But I don't really know, I'm tired. Thanks for reading, though!~

Her Shadow, Watching.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant