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     "Jasper, shush, you twat." She hissed, bowing her head as the teacher snapped her glare to her. She was in the middle of doing a test, and sadly Jasper was slightly confused at how they taught fifth grade.

    "What? You need to carry the four!" He murmured, she glared at him. Then put a finger to her lips, rudely shushing him. He rolled his glowing eyes and lingered over her, watching her every move. "Don't speak in that manner, you're a lady!"

     Jasper was bored, he knew watching a human grow up would be boring. But considering how long he's been alive, years went by fast. Jasper noticed a kid making a spitball as he stared at Delilah with a hateful gleam in his brown eyes.

   "Miss Delilah, duck!" He murmured. Delilah looked up at him with wide eyes as the spit-covered paper hit the back of her neck and splattered disgustingly, making her freeze in horror. Jasper felt anger overcome him as he watched Delilah's expression change from angry to sad to disgusted to embarrassed. She flushed a crimson red as she ran from the classroom.

    Jasper found her in the bathroom sitting in the handicapped stall, bawling her eyes out. "Jasper! Get out!" She looked at him with her face covered in tears and snot. He shivered in disgust. Humans were so disgusting, but he knew he had to comfort the girl somehow.

   "How can I make you feel better, Miss Delilah?" Jasper pondered, Delilah merely shrugged and continued to cry as the bell rung. It was playtime for the little girls and boys and Jasper knew what he had to do.

     Delilah sat in her the living room with her grandmother, drawing as her grandmother watched the news. "Top story today, animal attacks. The severely mauled body of a nine-year-old boy has been found in the woods. Officials are puzzled as the only evidence they could find are deep claw marks in the child. More on this at 6:00." Delilah looked at the picture of the boy on the television, her heart nearly stopping.

   Delilah muttered some excuse about wanting to lay down and stormed into her room where Jasper waited. "Did you..?" She didn't know what to say. For once she was a bit frightened of the demon. She had never realized how dangerous he was.

   "I don't know what you're talking about." Jasper lied, turning and straightening a picture on the wall. "Now, are you feeling alright after what that imbecile did to you, Miss Delilah?"

   "Don't lie to me!" She boomed, suddenly angry. Jasper turned to look at her, noticing how much she looked like her mother when she was angry. It was adorable, really, like a kitten puffing itself up. "Did you-" Delilah's voice dropped to a horrified whisper, "Did you kill him?

  "Yes," Jasper answered, closing his eyes and vanishing as her bedroom door creaked open and Delilah's grandmother peeked in, clearly perturbed at what she heard from Delilah.

   "What's up, Lilah?" Her Grandmother adjusted her paint-splattered smock nervously as she looked around the room for whoever she grandmother must've been talking to. There was no one and she didn't know if that frightened her more or less.

   "Talking to Jasper," Delilah replied calmly, rubbing her scalp. "He's been flustering me lately, but I mean-"

  "Jasper?" Her Grandmother interrupted once she remembered who Jasper was, "For cripes sake, Delilah. Do you seriously still believe in Jasper?" Delilah wrinkled her eyebrow, and Jasper sighed silently. She was too naive for her own good.

   "What do you mean, believe?" Delilah crossed her arms, getting angrier. "Why do you never believe me?" Jasper sensed her frustration and it made him antsy. Was she going to blow up? Throw a fit?

   "Alright, alright, calm down." Her grandmother was growing more and more nervous by Delilah's behavior. "I'm just worried since... Well, you're a bit too old for an imaginary friend, Delilah. "

   "He's NOT IMAGINARY!" Delilah snapped, gripping her scalp in frustration. "Why does no one believe me?!" 


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