Fun and Games (Chap 18)

Start from the beginning

"What are you smiling like that for?" Daichis voice bringing me back to reality.

"You aren't thinking of HIM are you?" his voice took a deep and scary tone towards the end.

"Umm. Him? I have no idea what your talking about. Can't I just be happy for no reason?"

"Don't give me that crap! I know you know who I'm talking about, that stupid asshole Grimmjow! And NO there is absolutely no reason for you to be happy for no reason. " He yelled in my ear (I must admit he kinda confused me at the end, I guess he really must be angry.)

"Oh...Him! He's...He...I...I love him and he loves me! We both know he will rescue me."


He...he just back handed me, I am shoked but more than that I'm outraged. I could feel my spiritual pressure rising, it kept rising until it was actually visible. I couldn't hold myself back I pounced at him and dragged my claws across his face leaving four angry red marks. (At least I managed to keep some kind of control, if I hadn't then I might have ripped his throat out.)

"Ok. I guess I deserved that, I'm real sorry icicle... Shiva? C...Calm down."

He..He is scared good? I think I've lost to much control, she's gonna take over. I closed my eyes as I repeated a self mantra over and over again (Shiva calm down, take deep breaths. IN, OUT, IN and OUT).  Shivva, I know you know what's going to happen next.

Just let go, like last time.


Oh come on. You know you want to.

NO! I can deal with him...with out your help.

Where's the fun in that? Come on kid, you know you need my power.

No I don't. Not anymore. Why don't you just leave.

Come on icicle you know I can't do that.

Get lost. I can...will do this by myself.  

I closed my eyes only to open them and find myself back in the world of the living. The only thing different is that the house we are staying in was completely destroyed. Oh geez is this my fault? Of course it was. No not me rather her, but I guess it was hollow self...right? Did I kill him? No that would be way to easy.

"Daichi? Where are you?" Silence nothing.

OMG am I free? Can I go back to Las Grimmjow? Actually thinking about him brings up some questions. Is he really coming for me? Does he even like me anymore? Did he hear my confession?  

No! I have no time to waste on silly little things like that. I slowly made my way out of the buildings reckage, while continuously scanning my surroundings for any sign of Daichi.

After finally making my way out of the debry I again scanned the area, finding that no one was around or had witnessed the destruction. I'm free...I'm FREE! I did a slight jump for joy before I remembered somebody probably heard the destruction of my temporary prison.  

I ran into the nearby forest? No, not a forest it had weird metal things and sand...I think this is what the humans call a park? Well I can't stay here, but where can I go? I started walking without a destination in mind, my only thought was to get undercover somewhere safe. I made my way out of the park and down a busy street just hoping no one could see me...then it clicked of cause no one can, I'm a shinigami! I gave a slight laugh at my own stupidity and decided to pick up my pace, just incase Daichi wasn't dead well that and the soul reapers and arrancar. I found what looked like an abandoned shed to hide in, I took a deep breath and made myself comfitable.

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