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You heaved out a sigh as you adjusted the tight mask around your face. The mask was quite uncomfortable around your features, and the cool wind that blew faster from the flat rooftop didn't help the level of comfort your mask had. With the blazing heat of mid-June, it made your mask stick to you even more. You would need to get a new one soon; you've had the one you were currently wearing for almost four years, back when you were eleven. You were currently at the odd age of fourteen-- almost fifteen.

And stuck in the same Tokyo ward you've been living in since birth.

But it wasn't all that bad, really. The 18th Ward was a nice place. There was an even ghoul to human ratio, and there were even whole neighborhoods inhabited by ghouls. It was almost as good as the 20th Ward, except there were occasionally fights started by newcomers that were passing by. Yet, despite the peace that the place had, there was always a melancholic atmosphere that plagued the 18th Ward.

However you thought it was boring. Who wouldn't, if they'd been living in the same, supposedly melancholic atmosphere for fifteen years? You wanted to travel, even if it was just to other wards.

"It's so dull," you mumbled to yourself after diving into the thoughts. A smirk crawled onto your face as you realized how stupid you sounded.

"What's so dull?" A low voice asked you, piercing through the noise of the wind that swept through the area of which you stood.

Your head immediately snapped up and turned to the direction of the voice, your defensive instincts taking over. One leg stepped back, fingers curled into fists as you tensed up with alertness. Your dark-coloured kagune flared up behind you. At the size of your kagune at the moment, it was only enough to intimidate, not for combat.

[Eye Color] orbs scanned the area for the sound of the voice until they landed on a figure in the shadow of the night. The figure was short and lean; maybe only about five feet. But by the sound of the voice, and the body type, you identified this person as a male.

A growl rose up in your throat. "Who are you? Did you need something?" You spat out. This person's scent was unfamiliar to you.

The figure let out a laugh; it was one that sounded sharp, but rough around the edges. "Defensive, are we, [Last Name]?" He sneered as he took a step towards you. You took a step back, narrowing your eyes.

"I can't help it when a stranger appears without a warning," you shot back.

You weren't even worried about him knowing your name. Enough people already knew who you were, whether by alias or real name. Being the daughter of a famous ghoul community leader made people know you.

"True, true..." The figure admitted before taking another step closer. You could see his face now with the harsh city lights, but only barely.

You could tell that his skin was fairly pale, and his dark hair was wildish-looking. His mask was black with a large Cheshire Cat grin that stretched from cheek to cheek, and two red circles on the mask represented eyes. It was only when he pulled off his mask, that you could see what he looked like.

"No reason for you to be defensive, [Last Name]. I'm just hungry. Is this your territory?" He asked you, smirking.

With his mask off, you could now see dark, glimmering eyes full of slyness. His eyelids were relaxed, and it made him look rebellious with his hairstyle; if not dangerous. It was like a lion's mane, along with sharp eyes. A corner of his mouth was twitched up in a smirk, and it looked like he was taunting you. Yet, he was young: probably around your age it looked like. You had to admit; he was quite attractive. But you didn't let that stop you from being wary of him.

"This is the territory of the [Last Name]," you hissed to him. "Find your own territory."

"Is that so?" The boy sneered. "Too bad I'll be taking it for myself."

His words made your [Eye Color] eyes widen, and your kagune flared up, just as his did.

His kagune was an ukaku, vermilion and with the appearance of feathers. They were fixed on both of his shoulders, making him look like he had wings. Your body tensed up; ukaku ghouls had the advantage of long-range combat. They were able to create kagune projectiles from their kagune.

Good thing you knew this because you were at an advantage. His kagune was smaller than yours; it was probably because the low amount of RC cells in his kagune. But they still were able to shoot the ukaku's trademark crystallized projectiles at you.

At this first attack he did, you quickly dodged his projectile attack, which was just what you expected. His attacks aren't that powerful... You thought to yourself. I can probably win this.

Your opponent was quite surprised that you managed to dodge the attack, but that didn't dare stop him. You raised your kagune a bit higher to act as a shield, but it didn't cover your entire body. Your legs got majority of the hits, but thankfully, the scratches were shallow. You were able to advance but only for a split second before having to jump back.

He was fast. Exceedingly so. He was powerful, but not as much as you. He showed promise. If this turns out well, I might be able to teach him, you thought to yourself, dodging and advancing on him again.

You were able to near him enough to throw a punch, but he sensed your movements quickly. His kagune swerved back to get ready to pierce your body. But you dropped to the floor and rolled away, barely missing his hit.

Unfortunately, you didn't notice that he had grabbed onto your shoe. Your opponent was holding your down, so his arm drew back, ready to pound your leg and break your bones. You tried to pull your leg away, but his grip was too strong.

So you did the only thing you could do.

You used as much strength as you could to flip onto your other side, pull back your free leg, and kick him in the face.

There was a notable crunch; you probably broke his nose. You cringed. Now you had to deal with blood, and having blood all over a place was bad. Blood was easy to track by the CCG and other ghouls.

But your kick did it's job. Your opponent pulled back, seething, along with a string of foul curses that you couldn't exactly hear. While he was distracted, you instinctively moved your kagune and swept at his side, which flung him to the other side of the rooftop. Surely, he was weaker now.

You jogged over to check his condition. He was laying on his side, one arm resting under his head, and other splayed across his body. It didn't seem like anything else was broken, other than his nose. And even his nose wasn't bleeding all that much. Your opponent was breathing heavily, and his eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe it.

However, your work was still not done. Even in the dim lighting, you could tell that he wasn't ready to give up. You had to admit, he was strong. But you were stronger -- both in experience and training with your 'one hell of a leader' dad. But you could sense his kakuhou splitting the flesh and getting ready to form his kagune. You had to stop it. If you didn't, another fight would blossom between he and you, and who knows how long that'll last?

You cringed. You didn't want to hurt him that much. Just enough to knock him out and take him to your father. Maybe he'll get a punishment or something for causing you so much trouble. But alas, you brought your kagune above his head. Squeezing your eyes shut, you proceeded to drop your kagune on his head, like a dead weight. The next time you opened your eyes, your kagune was sliding off of him, and your opponent had his eyes closed, his breathing rapid, but was slowly turning labored.

He was now obviously unconscious, and you let out a sigh. How inconvenient.

"No meal for the community from me today," you muttered to yourself as you allowed your kagune to retreat back inside your body. You bent down to pick him up by the waist, flinging him over your shoulder, despite the difficulty. "Just a trouble-making ghoul that we don't know what to do with."

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