Chapter 6

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Jerome's P.O.V.


Mitch just went to bed. I guess his long flight really got to him. I don't blame him though, Canada to New Jersey? At least he even came to see me.

I looked at the clock sitting on my kitchen counter. 12:45 AM. I guess it is pretty late.

I walked up the stairs and into my room. When I flicked on the light, I noticed Mitch asleep, on my bed. He looked really adorable when he was asleep. Plus I can't just tell him to get off my bed.

Mitch was mumbling something. I couldn't really tell what he was saying though... it sounded something glide my name though.

As I walked out of my room, I turned off the lights and shut the door for Mitch. I walked into the bathroom and noticed the sharp, shining object calling my name. No. I can't. It will just make me want to cut more.

I quickly changed into my pjs and ripped off my shirt. I slipped into the guest bedroom and dozed off into dream land.


Mitch's P.O.V.


*time skip to morning because I'm lazy*

I awoke to the sound of my phone buzzing. I picked it up and answered it . It was Ty. (Deadlox)

M- Hello? (Imagine a manly morning voice)

T- Where in the name of sparkling water are you and Jerome? Adam and I have been waiting at the airport for over an hour!

M- Crap! we must've over slept! I will get him up and we will be there in forty five minutes or so

T- Alright, but hurry! Some man is looking at us funny!

*hangs up phone*

*time skip to when Mitch and Jerome have already been to the airport and picked up Adam and Ty*

The four of us walked into Jerome's house and Jerome showed Adam an Ty to the only guest room because they honestly didn't mind sharing a room. This means Jerome and I got to share a room.

This could get interesting.....


A/N I hope you enjoyed! Today I discovered that five people have actually read the first few parts of my story! Can we make it to seven or eight reads? probably not lol...


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