When he got home the kids were just up from their naps, sleepy and cute, and they were extremely happy to see their daddy.


Wednesday day, X day, the dreaded day, started early. It was the day both Harry and Louis were going to start school, and Niall was going to stay with Karen and his cousin Sophie. Geoff still worked in the mornings.

Harry was very excited. The day before, they had gone to the mall to buy school supplies, and he couldn't stop thinking about the fresh set of crayons in his bag, and all the pictures he was going to draw. He was going to a small preschool next to Louis', and he couldn't wait to start, make new friends and play.

Louis was another story. He wasn't exactly expressing his feelings after the breakdown Sunday night, he hadn't talked about it again. He was too calm. He wasn't as happy as he had been during the summer, but he wasn't crying and complaining. Zayn and Liam didn't think it was good to keep his feelings bottled up, and they were concerned.

When they woke him up in the morning, earlier than usual, Louis remembered that it was the first day of school, and his tummy flipped. He allowed himself to cry a little when Zayn wasn't looking, but he wiped his tears quickly and headed downstairs. Harry and Niall were at the kitchen table chewing on pancakes. They were happy and smiling.

The thing was, Louis did not want to go. He wanted to cuddle with his daddies all day, not go to a new place and be alone. Even if Luke was there too. His home was his home, and he just didn't want to go.

But Harry, his baby brother, wasn't crying. So he wasn't going to cry either. If Harry was happy, he had to pretend to be too.

After breakfast Louis got dressed with the uniform Liam had left on his chair the night before. It wasn't too extravagant, just a light blue polo and black pants. He brushed his teeth and got his school bag, with all his new supplies inside. After taking a picture for Zayn, in which he forced himself to smile, the three kids and two adults got in the car, ready for the day. It just happened that Liam had the afternoon shift on Wednesdays, and the other four days of the week the morning shift. Wednesday mornings, Liam would stay home with Zayn, and have some "husband time".

They first dropped Niall off. Karen was waiting for Niall with Sophie in her arms, and cookies on the table. Niall barely said goodbye, too excited about his day.

Next stop was Harry. The preschool was a cute building, and it had a playground outside. It was part of the Waldorf system, so the kids there did things like gardening, they had a few farm animals, and they also focused on creativity and crafts. Liam and Zayn thought it was a bit extreme, but Harry loved it from the minute he saw the swings. There were like thirty kids in total.

Harry took longer than Niall to say goodbye, but soon he let go, going over with his teacher, a nice young lady who had long hair Harry was already obsessed with. Liam and Zayn helped him put his things in his locker, and they finally left with Louis.

As Louis got closer to the school, his tummy felt more and more nervous. Liam and Zayn were trying to talk and distract him, but Louis couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted to cry and go home.

When they parked the car, and got out, Louis instantly held Liam's hand, and glued himself to Zayn's side. There were a lot of kids, and some of them were big and tall. Louis felt really small in comparison. He looked down as his daddies guided him all the way to his class.

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