Meeting the Family

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Two weeks after they arrived, the boys were settled and, in their parents' opinion, ready to meet the family.

Liam and Zayn had started dating when they were both 16, but Zayn always knew his parents were against gay marriage and gay rights. They were really homophobic. They didn't like the fact that Zayn was always closed off in his room and didn't like sports, so Zayn wasn't going to push his luck by coming out to them until he was old enough to live by himself. However, Zayn's mother found the boys together one night in Zayn's bed, the first and last time he invited Liam over. She freaked out, and told Zayn's dad.  He was kicked out of his house that same night.

Fortunately for him, Liam's parents were really understanding and kind, and they agreed to let him stay with them until the two boys went to college. They treated Zayn as another son, and he was deeply thankful.

As a result, Zayn had no contact with his family, nor did he want any. They figured one pair of grandparents was enough for the kids, and they didn't need the negativity his parents represented in his life.

They called Karen and Geoff, and also Ruth and Nicola, and told them all to come over on Sunday for lunch.

Ruth and her husband had a seven year old boy called Jack, and a three year old called Sophie. They were really nice kids, well behaved and always there to help his parents with everything. Liam was sure Jack would get along with Louis. They would probably play soccer for hours.

Nicola and her husband had a five year old boy called Seth, and a baby girl, ten months old, whose name was Leah. Seth was very outgoing, and Leah was giggly. Everyone loved them.

Liam and Zayn had been texting them about everything the boys liked or did, because the family had repeated a thousand times that they'd bring presents for the boys, and they wanted them to like them.

The bell rang and the kids all looked at Liam and Zayn in concern. Niall wasn't fully aware of what was happening, but he was cute and social, and he wouldn't have a problem with the other kids. Louis also loved being with people and socializing, and he had been really excited about the idea of being with more kids his age. The only problem was Harry.

Liam opened the door. Zayn had Niall in his arms and Harry hiding behind his legs, and Louis at his side.

"Hi mum! Hi dad!" He greeted smiling at his parents. They carried bags and coats, and were smiling wide to the kids.

"Oh, step aside Liam, I want to see my grandkids" Karen said playfully.

Behind the grandparents, Liam's sisters with their families appeared, also smiling excitedly.

Zayn was introducing the kids, Niall waved at everyone and actually jumped at Karen's arms. Louis also smiled a little, and hugged everyone, giving sideways looks to Jack and Seth, and Harry hid behind Zayn in the verge of tears.

Once everyone was introduced, they went to the living room. Jack had brought his own soccer ball, and Liam, as soon as he saw the three older boys talking, opened the door to the garden where the boys could play freely.

"Thanks Daddy!" Louis said happily as he stepped outside, running behind his cousins.

Niall had taken Sophie's hand to show her his construction blocks, and she followed happily, talking with her still developing vocabulary.

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