Potty training and misbehaving

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This was a request from @anaisloveslarry 😊

It all started one day when Liam went to pick up all the kids, and he found Louis specially quiet. He had been more talkative and happy about school lately. He had made a few friends, and his grades were improving a lot. He was actually a very smart kid, as the adults noticed soon. And he was very responsible, always doing his homework before watching cartoons or playing with his brothers.

That day Louis didn't say a word in the car. He just sat on his seat, with his school bag on his knees, looking out the window.

When they arrived home, Niall and Harry ran inside, anxious to see Zayn and eat whatever snack he'd prepared. Louis walked behind Liam with his head low, and went straight to the kitchen. Liam made a mental note to have a chat with him later.

After eating his fruit, Louis opened his bag to take out his notebook and pencil case, and opened it in the page where he'd marked his homework. Liam and Zayn also stayed in the kitchen, talking about their respective days.

"Can you help me?" Louis said suddenly, making them stop their conversation. Liam went to Louis' side, and took a seat next to the boy.

"Sure, what's the problem?" Liam asked, looking at the boy's neat page of additions. Louis showed him the one he was struggling with, and Liam tried to explain it to him. He hadn't exactly gone to uni to get a physics degree, but he was able to help Louis with basic math. Zayn looked at them with a fond expression.

"Lou, this number is wrong, see? It's supposed to be an eight, not a seven" Liam said. "Do you have an eraser anywhere?"

Liam reached out to Louis' bag, and put his hand inside, looking for an eraser. Instead, his fingers touched a plastic bag.

"What's this?" He asked, trying to get it out of Louis' bag. Louis opened his eyes as his face lost all its color.

"No!" He said, but it was too late. Liam had the white plastic bag in his hand.

"Lou, what's that?" Zayn asked gently. Louis' eyes filled with tears as his lip trembled.

Liam opened the bag to find Louis' uniform pants soaking wet.

"Oh Lou, what happened?" Liam asked, sitting the boy on his lap as he broke into sobs.

"I didn't mean to" Louis said, hiding his face in Liam's chest and getting it wet with tears. Liam bounced him slightly.

"Did you have an accident?" Zayn asked. Louis nodded, sobbing and rubbing his eyes with his little fists.

"Why? What happened?"

"It... it was raining!" The boy cried. That made no sense to his fathers. Liam realized then that the pants Louis was wearing weren't exactly his, and in one of the legs there was a lable that read "to wash and return to the teacher".

"We didn't go to recess, we watched a movie in class" Louis explained, once he'd gotten a break from crying. "And... and I only go to the bathroom during recess" he confessed. Liam frowned.

"Why, Lou? Why don't you ask the teacher?" He cooed.

"Because I don't know where it is. I only know the one outside!" He said, as his crying returned.

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