Chapter 3: Past(iii)

Start from the beginning

Normal POV

Namae was running toward him and stopped as he saw him was on his knee. She smiled sadly as she saw his forehead was bleeding. She glad that he still alive and wanting to be his wife and start a new life. She grinned widely as she saw her lover smile to her back. As she was running, she gasped as she saw a king was about to shoot an arrow to him.

"Alex, look out!"

She ran as fast she could and pushed him to aside and let the arrow  stabbed through her body. Alex looked up from the ground and widened his eyes completely as he saw her lover was being shotted by an arrow. He quickly got up to caught her before she felt on the ground. She was crying as she felt really pain that she could die and can't be with him.

Alex started to cry as he doesn't want her to die.


"Na...Namae!" He cried aloud.


"Namae! Please don't die!"

She smiled weakly.

"Alex.. I don't like to see you crying.."

He tried to smile but he can't.

"I can't! I really love you!"

" you...too..."

He kissed her lips and it was cold.

She's dead...

Alex cried aloud and took his sword to kill the king who's only just think himself and his daughter. His close friend others died in order to save Gulveria and Namae saved her lover's life.

"Go to hell.."

He said his last words before stabbed on his stomach. He received a spit of blood on his face. He walked toward to Namae's dead body and carrying her in bridal style to one of the tree which was located at outside of his grandmother's house.

He sat under that tree and kept kissing on her cold lips as he couldn't let go of her. He remembered a script that was written in ancient language on the stone, inside the secret basement.

" A person will live forever if another one is willing to die for protection of that person. "

He wanted her lover to come back to live.

"But I will be turning into dust...." he said softly.

He really wanted to be with her but he can't. He got said to himself that he have to keep her life even if it cost his life.  So his action was, he kissed on her lips again but in passionate way. As he was kissing her, he transfered all of his energy to her to bring her back to life.

After transferring, he pulled up and observing her face. Her skin is getting brighter and her body temperature are back to normal. Alex's eyes started to form a tears and it dropped on her right cheek. Her eyes were slowly opened and showed her beautiful brown eyes to Alex.


He squeezed her hand and kissed it.


He slammed his lips on her and it was warm. He wanted to last their kiss longer but he can't. He pulled out and smiled at her. Namae smiled back but didn't realised that his skin was getting pale. Soon later, she realised that his right hand was turning to dust and blew away by the wind.

"A-alex.. what is happening to y-you?" She started to panic.

He started to pat her head.

"I love you Namae Yamura. See you in my next life..." He said softly and cried at the same time.

"N-no!" She tried to hug him but she can't as his body was blown away like dust.

'What do you mean by seeing me in your next life? Does that mean I'm immortal right now?'

She thought to herself.

She cried till the sky turns dark as she can't die and feel lonely to live on her own. But Alex is really meant it that he will going to see her again on his next life. So, she tried to stop crying and smiled sadly, gazed at the stars in the sky.

"I love you too..Alex... See you in your next life...."

She whispered while gazing at the  sky.

After 500 years...
The Present Day..

She is still waiting and waiting for Alex to reborn for 500 years. She left the Gulveria after his death as it brought her a bad memory. That place has been changed as the king of kingdom was dead and the place was ruined by the natural disaster. Namae can't find where is the place was locating at as the Era have changed.

There is a big building and new technology in this world. It is already 21st centuries and a world of modern.


To be continue...

At last, the chapter of their past has finished.


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