Chapter 2: Past (ii)

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Warning: My english is flying around and no complain.

Around the evening, Alex and Namae were sleeping together inside the empty room. But they didn't realised that one of the castle maid came to stable to feed the horse. She fed them till she heard a soft snoring sound from the wooden room.

She walked slowly and quietly to make sure not to make a noise. She opened the wooden door slowly and gasped as she saw a couple were sleeping on the floor. More shocking is she saw a royal knight was sleeping with other than the princess.

With her loud gasped, Alex woke up that make the maid ran away and slammed the main door that made Namae opened her eyes widely.

Alex quickly stood up which Namae followed.

"What happened?!" She asked in panic.

"We have to get out from here." He said as he quickly wore his silver armour. He didn't realise that Namae does not have any cloth to wear for her upperbody as he teared it up just now..

"Wait! I can't go outside without wearing anything!"

"Oh.. luckily, I have a spare for you." He gave her a brown outfit with a bit sand. But it doesn't matter.

She grabbed and wear it.

He grabbed her hand and lifted her up to get on his horse. He sat at the front and Namae sat behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"Hold on tight, Namae." He reminded.

He planned to make the horse crashed the main door and rushing to outside of this kingdom.

"Alex, where are we going?"

"We are going to my grandmother house."

His grandmother's was locating at far away from the kingdom, in the middle of the forest. While the maid was rushing to the palace to inform them that their royal knight was sleeping with another girl. The king was so mad that he want to kill Alex as he broken his daugther's heart. He ordered the royal guards to search him and the woman he slept with and kill them.

When Ace and Namae has finally reached, he got off from the saddle and then he helped her to get down on the ground. His grandmother's house was surrounded by the trees. It seems so quiet which Namae just got realised it.

"It's so quiet.."

"Actually, my grandmother had been passed away from long time and this house had been abandoned for long time too." He explained.

It was just a small wooden house. She doubted that they will be more safer.

"I need to show you something."

She just followed him from behind as he ushered her to inside. There were only an old furnitures and spider web everywhere. Alex walked over to one spot and wiped the spider web off. It took a while for her to notice that there was a something like door handle on the floor.

It clicked her mind. It was a path to go to basement. Alex opened the door and signalling her to come over to him. Carefully, she went down the stairs while holding one of his hand to support herself from falling. Before he went down the stairs, he made a small fire as the basement was kind of dark and closed back the door.

Eventhough that there was only a bit of light, Namae could see that there was only an old wardrobe at the corner.

"What is this place?" She asked curiously.

He walked toward the wooden closet and pushed it aside. She realised that there is a door behind it. His grandmother's house was kind of strange and mystery. Alex opened the door and she could see that there was a staircase to go downward. Once she entered, Alex pushed back the closet to same spot before he closed door.

Namae gasped as she saw a big hall with some of torch to light up. The walls were made by rocks. Alex grabbed her hands while climbing down the stairs.

"Alex, what is this place?" She asked as she scanned around the place.

"My late grandmother always spent most of her time in here as she was an archeologist and sorcerer and keeping all of her things in here secretly."

"I see..."

She scanned around again and stopped as she saw a stone with a symbol written on it.

"What is that?" She pointed.

"It is a description."

She titled her head.

"Description. What language is that?"

"It is an ancient lamguage."

Namae feel curious about this mysterious thing.

"Can you tell me what were they written on it?"

He cleared his throat before he started.

" A person will live forever if another one is willing to die for protection of that person. "

"Immortal, huh?"

Alex chuckled.

But still Namae confused.

"If my brother sacrificed to save our kingdom, are we an immortal already?"

He laughed with her sentence.

"It doesn't work that way. The only person who can make that happen is me as I am the only member in this generation."

She laughed and sighed.

"I don't want to be an immortal. It's so lonely when you're living more longer than someone you love."

He gazed at his lover and then looked down. She was wearing his dirty brown cloth. His mind clicked as he remembered that his grandmother got kept her dress. He went to specific place to get that. Once he got in his hand, he brought over to Namae and asked her to put it on.

Namae took out her old cloth and put the dress on. After dressing, Alex jawdropped as he never seen his lover was that beautiful. He walked toward her and staring at her eyes.

"You looks beautiful."

She blushed as he cupped her cheeks.

He brought his face toward her and start to kiss her lips in passionate way. They continued kissing and it is getting more rougher till he pulled out from her and he heard a sound of horse gabbling.

"Namae, stay here."

She worried about him as he planned to go upstairs.

"Alex, please be careful." She said.

He nodded.

Alex prepare himself to face them and get ready his weapon. When he was at the ground level, he took a deep breath before he opened the main door.

To be continue...

The next chapter will be the last part of the past and then the present will begin on chapter 4.

See you in your next lifeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن