Chapter Thirteen - The Call For Duty

Start from the beginning

"They will be a great addition for us, numbers are a great advantage for our side. But they might escape from the battle again and care for themselves," Mrs Krane says, deep in thoughts.

  "I do agree about this. But they're our only hope and help we've got," Jack supports, nodding his head in understanding.

"What did our Demonist say about the papers we got from the albino org?" I ask, "We've got the papers, don't we?" I knew that they searched the albino org and found battle plans with the orgs.

"They suspect that the war was to test our capabilities, then attack again in another century," Mrs Krane says, taking a sip of coffee on her table.

"We've got to train the Demoners toughly from now onwards, especially Joel Lim," I say quickly, "The orcs are preparing themselves, Jack can help with asking the elves and dwarves for help."

  "Sure," Mrs Krane says, "Gather the Demoner Teachers and the black Demoners, it's about time to prepare."

  "Yes, Mrs Krane," I say, heading out of the door in a hurry. I scrabble down the stairs to the main hall of the castle.

"Hey Zack!" Shouts a young voice, "Wait!" I turn my head to see Joel with Lynch. "Where are you rushing to?" Joel asks, running towards me.

"Sorry Joel, no time to talk now," I say with disappointment before turning to Lynch, "Lynch, please help to ask all teachers and black Demoners to report to Mrs Krane's office now, there's an emergency."

"An emergency?" What is it about?" Joel asks immediately.

  "Got to go," I dismiss, running to the media office. I turn on the PA system and hear the familiar crack of the PA system. "Sorry for the interruption. All Teachers and black Demoners, please report to the headmaster's office. All Teachers and black Demoners, please report to headmaster's office. Thank you." I turn off the PA system and left the media office.

  A trail of Demoners enters the castle and towards the staircase to Mrs Krane's office.

  Finally a use of her office's large size, I think to myself. Joel is running towards me.

  "What's happening?" He asks, a mix of worry and panic expressed in his features.

Joel should know about what's happening around. But he's still young, I think to myself, bah, it's never too young for a Demoner in a war.

  I grab on his arm and bring him with me as we ascend up the stairs. The air is filled with moisture as the officers hurry up the stairs.

"Hey, Zack! You haven't tell me about it yet," Joel says from behind me. I decide to ignore him for the time being. Mrs Krane will let him know, I think to myself.

  Mrs Krane had her table changed into a long conference table with a map in the center. We have reach the entrance of Mrs Krane's office. "Wait here," I tell Joel.

  I push my way through the crowd to Mrs Krane. "Mrs Krane, is it okay if Joel is here. He might be young but he's going to be a part of the war," I whispers to her.

  "Okay, bring him in then," Mrs Krane replies. I head back to the door where Joel is waiting, pushing my way against the flow of colleagues.

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